View Full Version : Social media anxiety

25-09-17, 14:18
Hi all, haven't been needing to come on here for quite a while now, but going through a rough couple of weeks.

Social media is making me anxious and constantly worry. For example, if I tag my friend in something on Facebook and they don't reply, but they then reply to someone else/are active on it, I automatically think I've done something wrong, and am comparing myself to the people they're replying to, thinking they're preferred and so on. Then I feel I need to check if they've been active on other social media sites.

It's worse when I'm in a conversation with them already and am waiting for them to reply on Whatsapp, and to see them active on Facebook, it's really distressing for me.

I know it's probably all innocent on the other peoples part, and I'm sure I've done it before without even thinking twice, but I just can't stop worrying about it.

Am I alone, has anyone else experienced this before? How do I deal with this?

25-09-17, 15:24
Am I alone, has anyone else experienced this before? How do I deal with this?

Social media is a tool. That's how I look at it. I could care less about what you had for dinner or any of that petty BS that most people post. I personally use it for my music and to keep in touch with my family and few long distance friends. All I have on my feed is music and cat related.

It's just a website... don't use it if it makes you anxious :shrug:

Positive thoughts

25-09-17, 16:19
I completely get where you're coming from with seeing someone online/them not responding. It's way too easy to overthink - the best thing is to maybe cancel both the apps down and just force yourself not to check for a few hours and make yourself busy, then if there is still no response maybe send an unrelated message and see if they respond to that? People will usually respond to a reminder and I know it is common for people to see messages and just forget to respond or think they have when they haven't.

26-09-17, 09:04
Thanks both for your replies - both helpful. Fishmanpa I did remove the app from my phone yesterday and felt slightly better for it. And Lithia, they did respond to our usual conversation (it's kind of ongoing) this morning. Which was good, but then I start worrying they're being blunt/off with me, the mind is so irrational at times!

I think what I struggle with is trying to separate social media with real life - I know in my head that relationships in real life and texting are more important than who tags who and who replies to silly things on Facebook...it's just hard to put this into practice. Like just now after writing that I completely agree with it, but then I get the fear of missing out/being left out on social media come back...