View Full Version : caffeine and anxiety

12-06-07, 00:15
Does anyone know anything about the relation between caffeine and anxiety?

12-06-07, 06:41
Hi there,
my bf's psychiatrist said caffeine was the worst thing you could have for anxiety as the stimulus impacts on all the brain functions that deal with anxiety.
He's one of the top psychs in Aust too so I think I'd agree with him, but in truth I find my own experience with it is a good indicator and too many coffees makes me terribly anxious! :)

12-06-07, 08:05
I did try and cut caffine out, but I then had caffine withdrawl and had messive headaches which made my anxiety worse.

But just like Laura84 if I have too many I feel more anxious.

12-06-07, 12:01
I cut caffine out about 12 months ago because I found it made me worse. However, I still crave cans of coke! But, when I do sucuumb I get worse........ My GP did say that no caffine helps but I think it is one of those personal things.

Try it!

12-06-07, 12:54
I cut out caffeine about 3 years ago now.I used to get terrible headaches.The side affects coming off was the worse thing ever.
I found my headaches went,but my anxiety wasnt any different.But saying that everyone is different.I wouldnt go back to it.

12-06-07, 18:18
Caffeine is a psychoactive drug which stimulates the central nervous system. When you suffer from anxiety, the last thing you want is something stimulating your central nervous system.

People do react to it differently. Some people appear to have little problems whilst others appear to be more sensitive to the effects. Personally, if I'm in an overly anxious state, I won't go near the stuff because it does nothing but push my anxiety further to its limits.

That said I'm drinking a nice strong coffee now. I'm feeling myself getting restless too. It's rare I drink it, but I usually know now when my body can take it. Many times I've had one cup and that's it, anxiety overload for the rest of the day.

Consuming caffeine in large amounts on a regular basis is definately not recommended and can act as a direct trigger to all kinds of anxiety dissorders as well as psychosis! All of which can be reduced with the reduction of caffeine.

If you're having trouble with cutting it out, you can buy half-caff these days or even mix it yourself with decaff which is what a lot of people used to do here. It is an addictive substance which leads to dependance so you may well find it easier to cut down gradually.

Besides the obvious coffee, energy drinks and coke, you'll also find it in tea, extra strength paracetamol, and in small amounts, chocolate.

12-06-07, 22:08
I agree. Until recently I was drinking in excess of ten cups of very strong tea ( yorkshire tea ) with very little milk in and a couple of coffees. on top of this I was eating 70% cocoa plain chocolate as a treat. I went to see a CBT therapist and she immediately said that I was caffiene toxic. I was very anxious and having severe panic attacks. She advised me to cut down on the caffiene slowly then to cut it out altogether.I was so desperate for these awful feelings to cease that I called in the shop on the way home for a pkt of decaff teabags and decided I would go cold turkey. First day I thought what is all the fuss about? I dont feel any different? Then on the second day I got the headache from hell which lasted for 3 days and I felt so tired I could hardly stay awake. The headache eased but didnt go completely for 2 weeks, I was tempted to give in and have caffiene especially when so many people told me they had tried it but gave up because of the headaches but I felt that if I did I would of put myself through all this for nothing. So...... I got through it and I can honestly say i'm glad I did as I have felt the benefit with my anxiety levels and on the odd time i've drunk caffiene by accident at peoples houses or had half a bar of chocolate I feel really jittery. Even my partner who is the most sceptical of people about most things agreed to give it a go and was amazed by the effects. All I can say is that it did help me loads and hope if you give it a go that you stick with it through the headaches. Good luck!!!!

13-06-07, 13:43
I don't drink coffee which is handy when you have anxiety! One less thing to worry about.

But what about diet coke? Is there a huge amount of caffine in that? IS is worth cutting that out or pretty pointless? I quite like a drink of diet coke and probably have a few a week.

13-06-07, 13:55
my anxiety as been alot better since cutting out caffine, i could drink up to 6 or 7 cups of coffee a day at one stage:ohmy: , i had a headache for 5 days when i first cut out the caffine my gp said it was withdrawl from caffine that had caused it.

I also drink alot of coca cola but i buy the caffine free ones now.


13-06-07, 14:01
Sam, a few a week won't kill you but it does have plenty of caffeine in. Completely up to you if you want to cut it out but they do caffeine free diet coke these days, so you don't have to stop drinking it.

However, the controversial ingredient apsarteme is the second thing any dietician will tell you cut out, which just so happens to be in most diet soft drinks.

13-06-07, 14:13
However, the controversial ingredient apsarteme is the second thing any dietician will tell you cut out, which just so happens to be in most diet soft drinks.

I worry about that too. But I have my head stuck in the sand slightly until there is further evidence and hoping my quota of diet drinks is so low it won't harm me.