View Full Version : Do I drink too much water?

25-09-17, 23:03

I drink about 6 litres of water a day and then tea and coffee on top of that.

Is it too much?

Thank you x

25-09-17, 23:25
That is quite a lot of fluid! The average person only needs around 2 litres, slightly more if you're sweating it out in the gym or it's hot weather.. How on earth do you manage that much in a day and not spend all of it on the toilet? :roflmao:

25-09-17, 23:34
Your body loses roughly 3 litres of water a day... you replace that in the liquid you drink and also the food you eat. So I guess yes 6 litres is too much.

Googling (I don't have HA so googling is ok) it says.......

Adults need to drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day.

I bet you spend quite a bit of time on the toilet drinking that much.

25-09-17, 23:37
I would say it is too much but you should really check with a medical professional for advice on it.

26-09-17, 00:53
Many moons ago when I was weight training/body building I drank at least a gallon a day. 6 litres/1.5 gallons is a load of liquid for sure if you're not in training mode. As others have said, you must spend some time getting rid of the liquid!

Positive thoughts

26-09-17, 09:06

I do recall my GP being shocked but I dont sip, I drink bottled water and down a glass at a time.


26-09-17, 09:13
That is a LOT of liquid, why do you drink so much? If I drink 2l then I'm on the toilet all the time! I'd probably cut back a little, unless you live in a very hot country or work in a job where you sweat all day.

26-09-17, 11:32

I dont know why. I think its a habit I have now.

Like I said, I dont sip, I gulp by the glass :blush:

I used to drink a bottle of wine a night. Knocked that on the head and now enjoy a 1 and a half litre bottle of water in the evening, if not more.

Im not in a nice sunny place, I in the rainy south east of the UK.


26-09-17, 18:18
And then there's me I can't even get 1.5 litres down in a day if I try. It is quite a lot, are you actually thirsty for it or is it just through habit?

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26-09-17, 20:53

It's a habit x :blush: