View Full Version : Petitions

12-06-07, 00:54
A couple of petitions some of you may be interested in...

If you do wish to sign (if they get over 200 signatures then the government has to respond to the petition) then you must be a UK resident.

For any one who has experienced the UK benefit medical system....


For anyone bullied/harrased out of work, or who is against companies who allow it to happen, as it can be a cause of depression/panic/anxiety.


Its a cool site, you can make your own petitions, so if any of you feel strongly about a issue, get a petition up!

12-06-07, 12:53
Signed it, I've had my money stopped twice (and got it back on appeal) all because I'm able to string a few sentences together and am well enough to go out sometimes. I get NO help to get back into full time work at all. Nobody gives a damn.

Take Care


19-07-07, 12:19
Yup... The system is not geared up to help people at all.

Same with me, just been for my second appeal (won again, thankfully).

Bet it happens again though, go to the medical, get ignored or told your fit enough to work because you can send a email and go to the corner shop...
Only to have to wait months for a appeal.