View Full Version : Things getting on top of me - work, builders, expense etc

26-09-17, 13:55
Hi All

I know I'm in a better position than many others, but I just can't seem to be happy at all and feel stressed anxious and depressed all the time chiefly for the following reasons:

My work life is becoming more difficult with massively increased responsibilities without extra pay and often dealing with demanding or unpleasant people. I feel I have little prospect of finding anything else (I'm not young) even though I spend most of my spare time looking. But again I feel I should be grateful for at least having a job. My partners job isn't much better with a constant negative atmosphere, highly critical management and people either being sacked or walking out left right and centre. Her prospects for getting anything else aren't great either.

My refuge from it all used to be my home, but we have the builders in and they won't finish for another month. Even after that it will be ages before we get things straight. I work an unusual shift pattern, so I often don't get weekends which means my days to relax now are at home with the builders constant racket, but my anxieties don't allow me to leave as I fear the worst if I'm not around to see things are okay. Accidents have already occured with things being broken and cables and pipes etc being cut or damaged. I just can't stand people in the house doing jobs for any prolonged period. It drives me nuts. I should be grateful we can have this work done, but on top of the disruption, the finance needed just keeps going up with unplanned problems and I'm now worried about the money too. If it had been up to me alone I would never have had the work started, but I know this is part of my anxiety condition and would be unfair on the family who overall should benefit from it.

I don't want to go back on the medication (SSRIs) as the situation should improve for me once the builders have left at least and as that's about another month the SSRIs would probably take that long to make a difference. At the moment I'm drinking heavily (at least holding off until late afternoon), but I know I'm not an alcoholic - I drank moderately until the building work started and I do feel I will be able to go back to normal once they've gone. I know drink is a foolish long term solution to anxiety and would never go down that road.

The only thing I can think of that might help is a virtual hug to get me through it all. I know people have a lot worse to contend with and I'm trying my best not to let things get me down. If anyone has any survival tips from similar experiences that would also be welcome. Thank you for reading.


29-09-17, 00:28
If you're sensitive to noise, there is no easy solution, and you just have to keep the end in sight. Your worries are not trivial though, and in the long-term, I hope you can look back and be proud that you were able to tolerate the upheaval and that it was worthwhile.

You're already aware of the drink and that it's no long-term solution or indeed a friend. Therefore, no need for me to reiterate that, and will wish you well for the future.

16-10-17, 18:17
Hi Tyke. I'm sending you a virtual hug, but it seems a very delayed one! How is everything playing out? You should have the end in sight now I'm hoping.

It is disrupting when our homes are being changed off when other people are in and out. I don't even like having my gas check done, I couldn't imagine it for a whole month. I hope you're doing okay. Sending love. Xx