View Full Version : Dark stools.

26-09-17, 14:32
Hi, just looking for thoughts.

I've had a horrendous couple of weeks with health anxiety. But two of my biggest anxieties are hemoraging and taking medication. Anyway l hurt my neck and shoulder. So a trip to the drs and she gave me some anti inflammatory medication. But because l get reflux. She gave me something to protect my stomach. Oh and l had a Uti so had a course of antibiotics. Anyway l took those begrudgingly. Which helped a bit. But the next day l wake with bloody coloured urine. Possibly the uti or the antibiotics that can discolour urine. Another trip to the drs feeling silly. Then last night l notice my stools are very dark. Big panic attack lots of tears. It's still dark today and lm still ridiculously anxious. Even though l haven't had the anti inflammatory tablets for 3 days. I'm not sure how much l can deal with right now. I feel like screaming for help. It's more than likely due to food. Like the chocolate ice cream l ate. But what if it's not? It's not black but looks a reddy dark brown.
Seriously don't know what to do anymore!

26-09-17, 15:43
Hello. Whenever I've had a UTI I get blood in my urine. They're nasty infections - hope you are able to rest up a bit.

My littlest one (she's 3 now) was on a course of antibiotics a while ago (I forget the name of them, sorry) and they turned her stools this really dark maroon red colour. It went away after a few poos and when I mentioned it to the doc after they said it was "an unfortunate side effect". I've no idea if this can happen with adult antibiotics - maybe someone else would know - but thought I'd mention cause of what you describe.

26-09-17, 17:30
Thankyou so much for your reply. I have heard antibiotics can do that. These particular ones can change the colour of urine but not sure about stools. But it's interesting that your little one had that side affect.