View Full Version : why me

26-11-04, 15:41
Hello everyone
3 weeks a go i was with my friend enjoying the day as i got of from the tube i started to get wierd symptoms as if i was going to die .

Now i get them every day i have seen 10 different doctors and they said its a panic attack .

I was very stressed when i was going through a exam but i have passed the exam insted of fealing happy and joyfull i am getting these panic attacks.

I have been of from work for 4 weeks , i dont feal like going out because i am worried its going to happen , doctor gave me anti depressants which is ciynd of helping but when i went to cinema yestoday i had the attack again .

I am so worried and feal trapped . I couldnt tell people at work because i am worried its going to effect me if i go for promotion.

I am so worried because people at work whats to know whats happening to me.

i need help

26-11-04, 15:54
hello eylem,

Welcome to the site!! I also suffer from panic attacks and know how difficult it can be, especially at the beginning. I had my first panic attack the night after a friend's wedding and I was in a foreign country (Norway) so I was pretty scared, trust me. It's good that you have been given meds. I have been on meds for a year now and they have helped me loads. They do take a while to have an effect so if you are still feeling panicky, that's probably why.
Everyone here is very friendly and I'm sure you will get loads of support.
Let us know how you are getting on, ok?

Sarah :D

26-11-04, 16:07
Hi Eylem

It's irrelevant as to why this has happened to you, the first thing you need to do is accept it, then you can do something about it.

Have a read of this page to start off with:
There's a lot of helpful information there.

Welcome to the site.


26-11-04, 17:24
Hi Eylem

Welcome to the site,

We all understand how you are feeling right now.
There are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.

Remember Eylem you are not alone


All problems have a begining and an end.

26-11-04, 18:10
Hi there,

Sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, have faith it will get better with time.

I also had an attack about a year ago in the cinema. I didnt go back to one til last week (lure of Bridget Jones!). I was fine, but I did still insist on a seat at the end of an aisle other wise I wouldnt have gone. This I now know is not a good approach, try not to start avoiding things if you can.

As for work, have considered telling them the truth? You havent done anything wrong after all. You will probably find they would be more understanding than you expect.

Good luck,



26-11-04, 18:13
Hi Emlem,

Welcome to the site.

Having your first panic attack is sooo incredibly scary as you just don't know what is happening to you. Now you know that they will pass and that nothing dire is going to happen to you.

Take a few minutes to review that first time again. When had you last eaten ? Were you tired ? What had been crossing and dwelling on your mind just before the feelings started ?

Do read and understand the First Steps article that Mico has posted . It will point you in the right direction.

10 doctors in 3 weeks - thats heavy going . You have been well checked out now... You are physically fit .

Take care and do post if you have further questions.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

26-11-04, 18:48
Hi eylem

Welcome to the site.

The first panic attack is very scary isn't it?

Did the docs do any tests atall? Blood tests, ECG, EEG etc.

Try to take some time to read the info on the website and on this forum and you will get all the support you need so stick around ok?

Hope we can help you beat this.


26-11-04, 20:26
hi eylem
i sure all of us fellow suffers can remember the first time they had a panic attack - i know i can but i have to say it does get easier. you have joined the perfect site to find all the help and support you need.
and there are many other service providers now who can give you advice on dealing with anxiety. try to do things at your own pace - slowly can help alot. its almost like baby steps but as long as you keep focused on what you want anything can be achieved.
this sort of my trade mark and im going to send you a big one HUG we are all here to help anytime you should need it.
xx david

27-11-04, 02:43
Hi Eylem

This is going to be the hardest time you hit, when it first starts we have no control or no idea what we are doing through, but you have done so well coming on the site and registering to yourself what it could be.

Panic attacks can throw the strongest of people into desperation and for many of us we have suffered for years not knowing what was going on.

You will get lots of help and support on here and you will see you are not alone at all. It is hard but gaining the understanding of how you feel and realising that you can control it is the biggest benefit any of us could gain.

Love Sal xxxxx