View Full Version : Weakness

27-09-17, 00:33
Anyone ever feel as if they are weak on one side? My right side often feels jelly like, feel like I constantly need to be moving my right arm/leg/hands/feet and constantly clench my teeth all on the right side its a weird feeling and really uncomfortable :(

27-09-17, 01:26
Yes actually. I had a severe weakness on my left side a few weeks ago. I couldn't lift my arm to pack bags in the supermarket.

I told my GP and she didn't seem to think it was an issue so I didn't worry too much.

I've had so many other symptoms lately that all seem to be anxiety based that I decided to write the weakness off as just another anxiety symptom.

Can I ask, how active are you? And do you spend a long time at a desk? I think that contributes to my one sided weakness.

Best thing to do is get checked over by a GP or A&E depending on how severe it feels :)