View Full Version : So my cyst has rapidly grown...

27-09-17, 15:24
I've had a, what the doctor called sebaceous cyst for years (4 or 5 years). It didn't bother me so I left it alone. It's on the top part of my stomach.

I have no idea what made me do it, but I squeezed and poked at it a little last week and I believe it's become infected. It's painful, red, sore and was just now draining pus. It has also rapidly grown and I'm scared it might keep growing...

I have my cousins wedding for the rest of the week, I am really busy and I know it's a sebaceous cyst that's become infected so I'm thinking of just putting a plaster on it to stop further infection and getting on with the wedding and afterwards seeing the doctor.

I dont know if that's a good idea, I am hoping it will just go down by itself. What is the best thing to do? I'm bust for the next 5 days, could it grow massively in that time period. :(