View Full Version : increase in motivation before anxiety lifts?

27-09-17, 16:39
did any of you find that your motivation increased before the anxiety went away?

I'm just over 10 weeks in to taking fluoxetine and have found that I've got back in to art and colouring, actually bother to apply my hair loss foam every day, and have joined a gym. so the mood and motivation is improving.

but my anxiety (around people) is still worse than before I started these meds.

I've heard many people say it can take 12-16 weeks on fluoxetine, and sometimes a dosage increase, so I'm trying not to get too discouraged... ?


02-10-17, 13:11
Hi what dose are you on? I'm on 40mg and yes it took over 12 weeks before I noticed I was starting to feel better, this med really worked for me. Good luck, stick with it :)

02-10-17, 17:28
Hi just realised I'm just over 10 weeks in, not 11. haven't taken any this morning and I feel loads better, which gives support to my theory that perhaps the 20mg was in fact too much. maybe 10mg works better for me. still another few weeks for me then, at least. I have a psych review, but isn't until the 19th which isn't ideal. ah well will keep going. xxx

Bike Rider
03-10-17, 10:22
Hi Kiwi.

Fluoxetine has a very long half life, so you could probably go a couple of days, even longer without it and it wouldn't matter as its still in your system.

So I think the feeling better is the meds doing there job and you, mentally feeling better in yourself. All very positive.

I am still flat, little enthusiasm for anything, anxiety wise I am fine now, but the lift that my GP thought these would give hasn't materialised.

But this is a question they haven't been able to answer. Have I always been like this mentally and its only now that the real me is coming out, all the years I did stuff, was that me kidding myself I wanted or needed to do it.

03-10-17, 12:34
Kiwi, you should chat to your GP before lowering your dose. I really would try to stick at 20mg and wait at least 16 weeks if you can. Best wishes

03-10-17, 12:57
no, I was feeling really ill on 20mg, I felt better on 10mg, and the doctor agreed. been having a bad time with depression. did you experience any kind of mood lift at week 12? I've been really awful with it