View Full Version : Health Anxiety issues

28-09-17, 00:11
Hi all,

I am new to this forum but thought I should make an account just to tell you my story and maybe get a little advice.

Couple months ago I suffered my first panic attack. I couldn't breathe properly, had to call the paramedics out due to chest pains etc. They came out gave me an ECG and gave me the all clear. Couple days after I experienced probably the worst headache ever and it started to cover one eye (burning sensation behind). Went to A&E, got another ECG and a response/reflex test by a doctor and gave me the ok to go home.

Everything somewhat calmed down as my body adjusted. I went for a plethora of blood tests and it came back to say that everything was fine just that my liver was slightly elevated and that they wanted me to get an ultrasound check. They looked me over and gave my results the next day at the GP service and the GP just said it was slightly pink due to fatty liver (I am slightly overweight, work in an office and don't get out much).

Soon after I developed ringing in my ears. This occurred mostly at night but sometimes throughout the day when I have thinking time to myself. Had them checked over and they were a bit red, nothing out of the ordinary.

This continued up until now, I sometimes wake up with pulsating tinnitus whenever I got up quick it would sound like a squishing noise but this has seemed to died down and now stuck with randomly occurring high-pitched ringing.

Decided to give tablets a go as I used to take them when I was younger for depression. I went onto Sertraline for about a week and thought it wasn't for me so I quit. Just after I started to see flashes in my vision, aftereffects from images and randomly neon dots. Doesn't happen all the time, mainly at nighttime again. had my eyes checked out by an ophthalmologist with eye dilating drops.

The chest pain is still there however I believe this is costochondritis as my ribs occasionally pop.

It seems like the remaining symptoms after all this is:
Random feelings like I am being pushed down, neck tightens up like I am bracing for impact.
Flashes/afterimage burns (not all the time)
Acid reflux occasionally, gets really bad at times
Join pain, tingling in fingers and ankle (not all the time and not severe)
Pain in my chest, right side of chest, sometimes left but goes
Icepick headaches above my eyes and tension headaches
Burning behind my left eye (I have blepharitis and seems to calm down if I put gel tears in it)
coughing up phlegm (I am one of those vapers...yeah I know, sorry :D )
Overwhelming fatigue at times, mostly in the afternoon I was to just sleep but when I close my eyes I get some vertigo
heart palpitations when I get into bed but they soon die down

(I suffer with IBS too, this can be a cause for some symptoms as I have had fatigue for years if I eat something bad for me)

So after this journey I have had so far I just wanted to post to see if I should be more concerned of my symptoms? I've had the blood tests, scans of my abdomen, been to the ophthalmologist to check my eyes and all has come back clear. I have an appointment with a cardiologist in 2 weeks time as I feel my heart has an issue or there's a blockage, I am 27 years of age with no prior heart conditions nor does it run in my mom's side of the family. I have no idea about my dad's side, he left me when I was very young.

I dislike my doctors as they sometimes look at me like I am the biggest hypochondriac around and just want to give me meds.

Apologies about the lengthy post, hopefully somebody will see it who might be having the same issues as me and possibly shed some light onto what is happening to them.

01-10-17, 02:06
Hey Parker,

First, I really understand what you're going through, and this forum is full of really supportive people. It's a weird step to start talking about this with strangers but it's really helped me to discuss this with like-minded people who won't judge.

Being that you're in the UK I am not sure how much control you have over choosing your GP doctors, but one of the things I did that has made a huge amount of difference is to find a doctor who has the right approach, for you, with your HA. It took me a while but my GP fully understands my HA, because I've told him, and never makes me feel like an idiot for bringing things up. If you can, find someone who specializes in working with people with anxiety, or at least has a manner that will put you more at ease.

As far as your specific symptoms, it's easy to want to seek reassurance here, and I'm guilty as well. Just remember that you have been under medical care over the last few months and as hard as it is, it's wise to try to trust your doctors that if there were something worth investigating further, they would take action. I know how hard that advice is to follow. I don't see anything that you've described as somehow indicative of a bigger issue together, but not being a medical professional, that's just my opinion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that stress and anxiety can cause a dizzying list of symptoms and it's really difficult not to try to relate them all together into one terrible illness.

Hope you find some understanding and comfort here, take care of yourself!

08-10-17, 21:43
Thanks Angela, I understand completely and sorry for the delayed reply. I have been busy at work :doh:

I think more recently I've kind of just adapted to the feelings, aches and pains, ringing in my ears etc. I guess what bothered me the most was that these were all out of the blue and trying to find a cause is difficult.

The doctor that I am seeing now is trying to help. He's suggested I take a vitamin D blood test as I don't get out often. I think also that some of the symptoms I am experiencing are due to sleep apnea. I had my girlfriend monitor me whilst having a nap during the day and she noticed the heavy snoring. I keep waking up with heart palpitations and dizziness just like I'd been breathing into a paper bag for too long.

It's hard not to feel like I am going insane sometimes!