View Full Version : recovery and citalopram

12-06-07, 09:57
Hi anyone
Just a question about citalopram. Out of extreme desperation I am pushing through side effects with citalopram. The side effects are dire, but then so are my physical symptoms from anxiety so this is 'needs-must'.

I have had increased anxiety from day one of taking it, have spent three weeks on lowest dose (10mg) and then moved up to 20mg for a week now. But reasonably how long should I wait before expecting to see results?

also, what if it doesn't work? I don't think I can bear to try another one and go through all this again for nothing.

also I am now fretting because quite a few posting here are saying that citalopram doesn't help anxiety - so I am concerned about that. Or is it just a personal thing on what works for one?

I don't think I can bear it if I get no relief from this anxiety because my physical symptoms are limiting me greatly. It's not great when you can hardly see / feel so dizzy you are nearly sick all the time / and when you walk down the street there are palpitations so bad you need to stand against a lamp-post. I am basically nearing the end of what I can stand - my bravery is pretty much wearing thin now.

Is there any way out of this mess? I don't even know how I got like this.

12-06-07, 10:06

i was on citilopram at my worst i was on 40mg a day then went down to 10mg and now stopped, to be honest i never really stuggled with side effects but then i thought evreything was down to my anxiety, Citilopram is very widely used drug and has proved very good in most cases, whatever the side effects I am sure the benefits outway them , I was told by my G.P that it can take 2 -3 weeks before they start helping as it is a slow releasing drug that takes time to get into the system..

good luck and take care


12-06-07, 10:16
Hi beadbabe

I am on citalopram and have been for about 9 years nows !!

I was told that when first taking them they actually heighten your sense of anxiety (which they did me) for about 2 weeks. After this time the side affects should wear off and a couple of weeks after that they should kick in and you should start to feel better.

Hope this helps:)

12-06-07, 11:43
Hi, I took citalopram for years and it did take a little while to get into my system, I thought exactly like you what if it doesn't work etc etc, I found that every time I upped the dosage I started to get some of the side effects again, but they didn't last nearly as long as before, they used to exaggerate my symptoms and I thought I was losing my mind.

When they did start to work it was great, I started to have good days as well, and before long most days were good.

I took them because with my depression I had severe anxiety and panic attaks, they sorted me out and on the verge of taking them again as they helped me so much.

All what you are thinking is exactly what I thought, you just need to find the right dose for you and I am sure you will start to see an improvement.

12-06-07, 11:58
I was on citalopram for about a year for anxiey and depression and it really worked for me. I too felt awful though initially. I think it took about three weeks for the side effects to stop and then about another 3 weeks for me to start to notice an improvement. The thing to remember is that the improvement is really gradual and so you might not notice it until one day yo suddenly think "I feel good today".

I'm on the verge of going back on it again - go with it for a little bit longer.

Hope it works out for you.

12-06-07, 11:59
Hi Beadbabe!

I think if you've got this far on Citalopram it would be a good idea to stick it out.

I was on 60mg per day from the outset and yes, the side effects were hellish for the first few weeks - I thought it was never going to work for me :( But then, almost overnight it did!!

I had been told that it could take 4-6weeks in some case to get into your system enough to work. But, as with most things in life, everybody is different and so this was only a guideline.

I do hope you are able to stcik with it as I think the benefits outweigh the troublesome start. That is only my personal opinion though.

Hope you feel much better soon - there is light at the end of that seemingly endless dark tunnel !!



12-06-07, 13:48
Hi Bead babe, I just wanted to say how strong you are to stick with it, well done !

Also , you cant go by what you read on the net cos all the people who are happy with their pills arent posting, its mainly posts from the unhappy people.

Keep us informed on your progress.