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View Full Version : Pain from posture and stress....

28-09-17, 13:27
So everyone probs know on here I've had back pain which I have worried about even though I've been told on countless occasions it's nothing to worry about and I'm fine, had a MRI and full blood count and all that was found was inflammation in lower back which they put down to posture and stress, for some reason I'm really struggling to believe this I know MRI's are the best test you can have and if it showed anything concerning they would of investigated more, I have recently moved to a desk job and never suffered from back pain before literally until a month ago and my upper back and bum has been in agony, I know I've asked this question many times but can this pain really be from something as simple as posture and anxiety, sorry it I've annoyed anyone

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28-09-17, 13:41
If your symptoms were concerning, I would understand your constant anxiety, but they really aren't: you have back pain, Jonny, which I'm not saying is nothing, but it certainly doesn't justify the level of doubt and anxiety you have.

I'm also wondering what it will take for you to be "satisfied" by what your doctors tell you.... This could go on for a long time :shrug:

28-09-17, 13:42
ask any good physio about posture and they will tell you how important it is. Our lower backs need support while sitting. We all tend to slump a little in chairs, there is a gap between the chair and our lower back, which means no support. Our shoulders hunch forward which causes aches and pains there. Our heads are bent forwards and down which can cause neck issues.
Think of the way we slump and sag in front of the TV in an evening. All wrong but we all do it. Poor posture can cause all sorts of aches and pains and HA will double them, just because it can.

28-09-17, 14:06
Kk77 you are totally right people come on here with neuro issues or heart worries an I'm here moaning about back pain An sciatica I needed that kk77 just to put my anxiety An level of worry into check

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28-09-17, 14:09
Ways to move forward:

Over the counter pain medications (do not exceed stated dosage)
Psychoactive medication

28-09-17, 14:33
Kk77 you are totally right people come on here with neuro issues or heart worries an I'm here moaning about back pain An sciatica I needed that kk77 just to put my anxiety An level of worry into check

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I hope so. You are welcome and free to post as much as anyone else here, regardless of reason, and I'm not belittling your worries. I'm only trying to put it in perspective according to my thoughts.

And now that you're a budding Junior Member, I will give you the customary bumps!

Here goes.... BUMP!

28-09-17, 14:56
I'm having cbt at the moment An I'm on sertraline, An thank you I know my anxiety about back pain is extreme but hopefully I can keep it in perspective

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28-09-17, 14:58
I'm having cbt at the moment An I'm on sertraline,

What does your therapist think about you posting on the forum?

Positive thoughts

28-09-17, 15:12
He said it's ok as long as I'm not seeking reassurance [emoji15][emoji15][emoji15] but he also did say it might be good to then keep your anxiety in context

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28-09-17, 15:22
Great stuff to hear you're working on it. Can't fault anybody who takes positive steps.

What about the physio, though? Have you been offered any kind of treatment for the sciatica?

28-09-17, 15:22
Just home treatment stretches, exercise and warm baths

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28-09-17, 15:40
Okay, so, apply yourself as best as you can to that. Take a painkiller now and then if needed. See how it goes and if it doesn't improve, go back to the doctor and I'm sure you'll get referred for some physio.

You've had an MRI, so there's nothing more anyone can do to help you believe. There are no more tests. It's on you now.

28-09-17, 16:14
Sorry about your backpain. I myself have lower back pain that makes my legs weak if i make one wrong turn. I also had a clear MRI since i was fearing it was some random fatal disease (which i still fear but have calmed down).

I noticed that pain killers really didn't help...it would help the lower back pain but then the pain would transfer to my tailbone which freaked me out. The doctor suggested a coccyx pillow or a donut shaped pillow to use when sitting at your desk (assuming you work an office job).

A little perspective (which i know i should take my own advice on some stuff) - i believe 30 million people suffer with back pain and the most common is lower back pain...it's normal and if it's anything that is bad...it's usually very very rare (or already in a late stage which you would probably see other symptoms)