View Full Version : Weird anxiety symptom?

28-09-17, 16:13
Hi I have had this symptom for as long as I can remember. I have always been told it's linked to my anxiety. I have always found it really difficult to explain it and I'm wandering if anyone else has experienced this. So I get this really weird sensation and it can occur anywhere but mostly when I'm at a loud gig, driving or when I'm being put on the spot. I tense up and I feel my stomach churn. I feel like I cannot stay focused and I have to look away. The only way I can accurately describe this feeling as if I'm staying focused on one spot whilst moving and you get that roller coaster type feeling. I hope this makes sense. Does anyone else get this and if so how do you deal with this. I can't drive because of this which is really Irritating to say the least.

28-09-17, 17:36
Sounds like anxiety yes. I can't say I've experienced that exactly but I do know that adrenaline can cause some strange symptoms. Everyone experiences anxiety in different ways. The roller coaster type feeling I can identify with if you mean you feel like you're swaying and off balance and have butterflies in your stomach?

29-09-17, 11:26
I don't know if it's quite the same thing, but when I get anxiety attacks, sometimes I get like this...
Kinda hard to explain... Bad feeling? I guess? Where my stomach does churn (kinda rollercoaster-y) and I can't focus and don't know what's wrong but I feel like something bad's going to happen. I had a minor panic attack kinda like that just now, and the stomach churning is a really unpleasant feeling. TBH, sometimes going to the loo helps with that feeling a bit for me.

A lot of symptoms can be really difficult to explain, huh?
But if I'm understanding it correctly, though, it does sound like something I get as well.

Take care, friend~

29-09-17, 12:20
Oh yes I get this, it's awful! Especially as I hate rollercoasters lol
It's like an imbalance in your ears - like you've spun and your head is catching up but you feel it in your belly too?
I used to get it when my hormones were out of sync.