View Full Version : Please help? Terrified I have Endocarditis

28-09-17, 19:22
Hey guys.
I'm New to this forum so bare with :)
I suffer from Panic disorder , GAD and OCD.
Recently I've had issues with my wisdom tooth and had an infection.. I was prescribed penicillin but I had bad side effects, I was then prescribed Metrodiaznole (don't how to spell it). I also had bad side effects and had the paramedic out who did my pulse and said it was fine and strong. Also went the doctors , blood pressure and pulse is fine.
Now today ive woken up with a swollen right tonsil and generally feeling like crap. (Weak, sneezing and a slight cough).. ive been sent home from work and I went to nap, and woke up with a racing heart and my chest is tight. My legs ache and Im terrified I have endocarditis.. (infection of the heart) I'm getting my wisdom tooth out sometime soon but I'm really terrified I have this. It's taking over my life and i convinced this is what I have due to me stopping the antibiotics.. I have heart palpitations everyday when I lie down. If someone could help, it'd be great. I have a dentist apt next Tuesday but don't want to wait that long in case I die. Any advice would be much appreciated xx

28-09-17, 20:01
All we can really do is rationalise where your anxiety makes it impossible for you to do. Clearly you have a very hard time coping with an array of anxiety disorders, so I hope you're getting some help with that.

There's no evidence in what you're saying to suggest endocarditis. I obviously can't diagnose you, but what I can do is see that the medical professionals are not worried about you, and logical joining of the dots suggests that you have a minor throat infection that is causing you disproportionate anxiety, coupled with your dental appointment, which is presumably contributing.

The most common cause of heart palpitations is anxiety and panic. Almost everyone here, myself included, has experienced them at some point. They can be frightening, but they aren't harmful. The heart is built to take it. This is very likely to be what's going on. You'd be in s lot more trouble if you had endocarditis.

28-09-17, 21:18
I agree with Server,

There are doctors who were observing your infection and gave you antibiotics to handle it accordingly. Trust your doctors and the antibiotic. You are taking care of the problem. The rest of the symptoms sound like anxiety and things people usually go through after having dental work done. Breathe deep and easy.

28-09-17, 21:31
All we can really do is rationalise where your anxiety makes it impossible for you to do. Clearly you have a very hard time coping with an array of anxiety disorders, so I hope you're getting some help with that.

There's no evidence in what you're saying to suggest endocarditis. I obviously can't diagnose you, but what I can do is see that the medical professionals are not worried about you, and logical joining of the dots suggests that you have a minor throat infection that is causing you disproportionate anxiety, coupled with your dental appointment, which is presumably contributing.

The most common cause of heart palpitations is anxiety and panic. Almost everyone here, myself included, has experienced them at some point. They can be frightening, but they aren't harmful. The heart is built to take it. This is very likely to be what's going on. You'd be in s lot more trouble if you had endocarditis.

Thank you.. I always seem to jump to the worst case scenario and after how I felt after I took the antibiotics it made my anxiety spike. I stopped taking them straight away because the paramedic told me to. Doctors apt tomorrow and dentist on Tuesday. Also waiting for the hospital to give me an apt to have the tooth extracted. I read some horror stories on Endocarditis earlier and I thought crap.. that's me. Lol.. because I didn't treat the infection properly because I stopped taking the meds. Today though, my hearts racing and just feel very run down xx