View Full Version : I'm back :( 3rd time unlucky

29-09-17, 12:17
Hi everyone

I'm back after a few years respite!

I joined back in 2011 when I had been signed off with severe anxiety and unable to leave the house without freaking out.

It came back in 2015 and here it is again after bugs wiped me out.

I've just posted in the clomipramine forum as this is the drug my GP has prescribed me as I'm fed up of living like this. I just want to be panic free and happy. Is that possible?! I'm waiting for CBT - i have had this before but I think i need a 2 prong approach. It's hard to fight panic when you're terrified and the fear is so strong i'm embarrassed to admit.

Anyway that's me, panic stricken and fed up!


29-09-17, 12:26
Hiya Carrera74 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

29-09-17, 17:18
Hi Carrera.

You got through the first 2 times and you will get through this too, no matter how upsetting it is to be in the same plight over and over. Iīm also going through it for the umpteenth time, and not doing so well today, but trying to reason that its just a bad day after 2 bad nights sleep.

Donīt be afraid to admit you are suffering and need help, specially on this site. As you have been here before i expect you know that anyway :)

I have had CBT twice in the past. The first time I was really scared about going to see the psychologist, but she was brilliant and helped me a huge amount. My second one , in another part of the country I felt didnīt help as much. I think she had only just qualified and didnīt have the touch just yet. Plus she was a twin set and pearls type of a woman, and I felt I had to watch my Pīs and Qs :blush:

I tell everyone to get copies of the Dr Claire Weekes self help books and also a relaxation exercises CD from your doctor or mental health team. Both things help me a lot.

Hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

29-09-17, 17:27
Hello, thanks for that. I needed the reminder that I've gotten through this before not my doom and gloom outlook! I did tell myself that after last time if I couldn't get on top of it I would see if meds would help - shame I'm too bloody scared to take them! The last CBT I had went really well but I had to miss a few sessions at the end due to not being able to get there and her going on maternity leave so I am hopeful it will help this time. It does depend on who you get though! Do you take any meds for your anxiety? I know I am not doing myself any favours being off work as I am just sat in the house reading about meds and sleeping! I never sleep but these last few weeks I've slept loads, damn bugs. I have mindfulness meditation on my phone which I have been trying to carry out, if I can be bothered, I'm so unmotivated! It does relax me though.

Sorry to hear your having a wobble too. No sleep is my norm, i can't function when I sleep lol x

01-10-17, 20:52
:welcome:Welcome back!!!