View Full Version : Worried about dysplastic naevus (mole) diagnosis

29-09-17, 15:04
Hi there

I had a mole removed two weeks ago that the doctor was not really concerned about but it was getting irritated because of my bra strap, so he agreed to remove it if it was bothering me. Results showed a dysplastic neavus which the doc explained was benign and he wasn't concerned about just said keep on eye on the others on your back that are similar. Gone into major panic now as although it was benign, I am worried that I may be at a higher risk of getting melanoma and I know I will become obsessed with checking the rest of my moles. Has anyone else had a similar diagnosis? Please help...!

29-09-17, 15:25
I am in the same boat. Had a mole removed Monday that was my ugly duckling mole. It was darker than the rest and grew a little bit still really tiny though. Derm thought it looked fine but removed for my peace of mind and it came back mildly atypical. I was told I can wait and keep and eye on it or have the rest of the cells removed. So I go Weds for removal. I hate moles so much. Now I am looking at all of them thinking there has to be more!

30-09-17, 08:56
Be interesting to hear the outcome of your visit. I hate having moles too and feel I will be constantly checking them.