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29-09-17, 18:25
I took my elderly gerbil Primrose to the vets to get her teeth checked on Wednesday and during the examination on the table she jumped out of the vet's hands and landed on the floor. She has broken her leg.
I am syringing painkillers (metacam) twice a day but I'm not confident that she will make it although she is quite active and bright. Ironically her teeth were fine.
I love animals but am a hopeless owner because I worry too much when there are problems. I really hope Primrose recovers but I'll have to make a decision over the weekend if she is really struggling..
I'd really appreciate a bit of advice but please no horrible comments re vermin etc. Thanks for reading.

29-09-17, 18:40
Oh Pulisa I am so sorry.

Definitely not vermin, I love gerbils, they are amazing pets.

I have no experience of broken limbs in small furries but be led by your vet.

The metacam will reduce inflamation and help with the pain.

I am the same with my pets, full of no nonsense advice for others but turn into a gibbering wreck when it is one of mine.

I really hope that Primrose starts to heal soon.

29-09-17, 18:40
Very sorry to hear this Pulisa. Know from your previous posts how much you care for animals and your pets. You will know the right thing to do re Primrose's survival. Really hope she pulls through. You are a loving owner whatever happens though.

29-09-17, 18:42
Hi there , it doesn't matter how big or what animal it is when you take them on they are one of the family , metacam can be quite harsh my dog had it for his arthritis so very small dose , any blood in the stool or urine stop using it , I learned the hard way that sometimes it's better and kinder to let them go , when my current dogs get old I will be better equipped to make that hard decision , it won't make it any easier though , hope it gets better . Take care :hugs:

29-09-17, 19:44
Thank you so much for your wonderful support-it means a lot. I'm a gibbering wreck but know I have to get my act together. I'll get a second opinion tomorrow if I'm not happy with how she is-I can't bear to see any animal suffering. The metacam dose is 0.004 mls. Buster, so I need my specs and a very steady hand!!

Thank you again xx

29-09-17, 19:53
Oh no! Sorry to read this. Hoping for a good outcome for you xx

29-09-17, 20:54
Is your hammy still eating and drinking, pooping and peeing and bright eyed? If so then she should recover given time and pain relief. There's not much that can be done with broken bones in small furries, but they normally heal pretty quickly and without any lasting ill effects. If you are really worried I can speak to my friend who runs a hamster rescue and has nursed many a sick hammy back to full health :)

29-09-17, 21:04
She's actually a gerbil, Mojo, but I'm sure she shares the same healthcare criteria as a hamster. She's not eating terribly well and I'm sure it's her teeth but the vet said they were fine. Trouble is there are no decent exotics vets near me. I have started syringing oxbow critical care this evening and she's happy to take it. She stopped chewing her wooden blocks plus cardboard toilet rolls which made me make the vet appointment in the first place.

I'll have to see what the morning brings but thank you so much.

29-09-17, 22:31
Just a small bit of advise , we had to give our dog metacam for two years before we list him and it isn't cheap , the vets wanted £50 a bottle but most chemists will get it for you and ours did it for £11 , bloody animals break our hearts said I couldn't go through it again but here we are three rescues in the house again .
Take care

30-09-17, 06:38
She's actually a gerbil, Mojo, but I'm sure she shares the same healthcare criteria as a hamster. She's not eating terribly well and I'm sure it's her teeth but the vet said they were fine. Trouble is there are no decent exotics vets near me. I have started syringing oxbow critical care this evening and she's happy to take it. She stopped chewing her wooden blocks plus cardboard toilet rolls which made me make the vet appointment in the first place.

I'll have to see what the morning brings but thank you so much.

Oh I am sorry for the mix up Pulisa! :blush:

So did they put her under GA to look at her teeth?

30-09-17, 08:15
No and that is why I'm going to get a second opinion today I think. I had a Chinese hamster who needed regular teeth trimming towards the end of his life and he always had a whiff of gas for inspection purposes. I'm not confident in the vet's assessment particularly as he had to look up how gerbils' teeth should be aligned on the internet.....

I just wish there was the same level of expertise re small animals as there is with cats and dogs with vets. It's the same with guinea pigs as you really have to do your own research and tell the vet what you want. I'm sure you will have found this too, Mojo but I know you have great contacts in the cavy world!

30-09-17, 13:03
She is having a GA at a different vets. Awaiting the dreaded phone call..They are looking at her back teeth and will give her a full examination if necessary.

30-09-17, 13:37
Really sorry to hear about poor Primrose, pulisa. I can imagine how that must been upsetting with a small furry, with my dog being a small breed it's often been in my mind about areas of the home when he's having a mad dash moment. :hugs:

But whilst you struggle you also put every effort in to tackle the situation. You never let your anxiety prevent seeking the best care for your animals. The episode with Mandril's stones showed how you rose to that with all the extra care he needed and you were worried about being able to handle that too. And now you are pushing for the best for Primrose despite your anxiety wanting you to hide from more pressure.

The mind will be throwing up all the worst right now, just as it does whenever a loved one is hurting for some reason.

I wish her a swift recovery but I have no doubt she is in the best hands, by which I mean you. Lots of love goes a long way with animals.

I hope your daughter is ok too.

30-09-17, 14:23
Thank you so much, Terry. I'm glad to say that she is now home:D Nothing bad was found re her teeth but the vet bore them down a little under anaesthetic and guess what....she has started eating again!!:DWhether there was something bothering her in her mouth which wasn't obvious idk but she looks much happier now (despite her broken leg!!) Apparently physical problems with their teeth isn't always apparent on examination.
Just managed to be seen before the out of hours expensive curfew too:D

I will keep you updated but thank you all once again for your much appreciated support. My daughter gets very anxious about the pets but wants me to sort it all out-vet trips are too much for her and just make it all worse.

30-09-17, 14:26
Be rest assured pulisa she is in good hands I know it's not easy waiting for any news, but no news is good news :) as for the other vet there is nothing wrong with checking on the internet regarding the correct length of her teeth If my dog needed a operation or what ever I would expect my vet to do some research etc rather than just guess If they were unsure! She will be fine try and not worry though Take care Cheers :hugs:

30-09-17, 15:40
That's really good news re Primrose.

So glad that you got an expert opinion and it sounds as though you were right in the first place.

You know your animals and know when something isnt right.

30-09-17, 15:46
This is great news :) Glad she is home again and eating, it was probably the teeth that was bothering her in the first place Thanks for the update :)Cheers

30-09-17, 17:26
So far so good..She is eating everything I put in the cage now:D
BigBoy the vet I originally saw is really not very good with small animals (I've had some very dodgy consuts with him re my guinea pigs) but I'm sure he's fine with cats and dogs. Basically he hadn't a clue how to handle Primrose hence why she broke her leg. I don't think many "regular" vets have much expertise re "pocket pets" which is a shame because they deserve a better service in view of the vet fees. (I wasn't charged for the initial consult plus painkillers for the broken leg though which was good of them).

Hoping for the best now and thank you all again.

30-09-17, 17:56
Hope all is well with your pet now pulisa:hugs:

30-09-17, 18:09
Ha ha certainly got her a appetite (that's spelt incorrectly this spell checker is rubbish lol) back which is a healthy sgn I bet you are relieved ;) yes the first vet leaves a lot to be desired regarding pocket pets as you call them think he would struggle with a Chihuahua? After all it is a pocket size animal:whistles: Total incompentence re the broken legs. Yes she sounds really happy now back at home Cheers

30-09-17, 19:46
So far so good..She is eating everything I put in the cage now:D

Hoping for the best now and thank you all again.

Really pleased, Pulisa. She couldn't ask for a more caring owner. Hope she fully recovers and you can put this stressful episode behind you :D

30-09-17, 22:52
Thank you, KK. I know gerbils aren't everyone's cup of tea but she's part of the family and I don't like it when she's obviously not right. Hopefully she'll recover steadily now.

01-10-17, 03:01
That's great news! :yesyes::yahoo:

It sounds like your original instincts were right all along as despite the broken leg she is happy & eating. And heading for a vet with more experience with small furries.

Mum always knows best. :winks:

I'll bet the first vet didn't try to charge you! He would have needed a good proctologist to remove something if he tried!

Do you plan on going to this other vet instead for them all?

I think gerbils and other small pets are lovely. Every time I'm in a Pets At Home I always head for them. They are all very cute.

01-10-17, 08:33
Yes I think I'll go to the different surgery in future. Apparently the first vet is now "on holiday". I think he was genuinely upset to give him his due but I won't be seeking his advice in the future. He was the only vet consulting in the practice when I first took Primrose. I'm sure he's great with cats and dogs because he's been there for ages. I doubt whether he'd want to see me again either:D

04-10-17, 18:09
Prim is still doing well and went back for a check up today. She has been allowed back in her big tank from the smaller container (to restrict movement) but has to continue with painkillers for another week. The leg will take longer to heal due to her age.

I had to show the vet how to pick up a gerbil (wasn't charged for the appointment). Shame that there is so little knowledge.

10-10-17, 08:35
Last day of painkillers today thank God! It has been really tricky syringing the stuff in.

I'm really pleased that Prim has recovered so well. She's eating normally and chewing up her cardboard loo rolls again. She can weight bear a bit on the broken leg but has full mobility regardless and is tearing around her multi level tank again!

Thanks for the kind words and support. It has given me a sense of achievement that she has recovered so well. At least I can get something right which isn't always the feeling as a carer when things are tough and challenging most of the time.

10-10-17, 08:39
Great news about Prim. Well done.

I had a scare with one of my dogs yesterday and can totally empathise with you.

10-10-17, 08:56
I'm really sorry, Elen. Is your dog ok now and was it a false alarm?

10-10-17, 09:00
Thanks for asking. He is still really poorly and I am a bit worried that there is something else going on. Will know more by the end of the week.

I don't have HA for myself but always fear the worst for my pets lol

10-10-17, 09:19
I can't bear seeing any animal in pain or distress.

It's horrible when you suspect something may be wrong but you just don't know. You just want answers and often you just have to wait..

Thinking of you, Elen. I hope you know more soon and that you get some more reassuring news by the end of the week. Please let me know how he gets on?

10-10-17, 09:29
Thanks Pulisa, I really appreciate it. As you said earlier not everyone understands.

Its horrible seeing them ill and not knowing what is going on.

They are my family and mean the world to me.

They are all getting older so problems have to be expected but its never nice.

10-10-17, 11:55
Elen I totally understand having a dog my self that is nearly 10 now what breed is he and what seems to be the problem? Is he eating/drinking give him gentle hug from me and my girl hope he is better soon:hugs:pulisa good news that Prim is on the mend Iam sure a few more weeks and the leg will be just fine Cheers

10-10-17, 13:15
Thanks so much. We animal lovers know how bad it is to see our pets under the weather and they are our family.

10-10-17, 13:37
I think your furry pet is a lot more resilient than you thought, Pulisa. Primrose is obviously a survivor :D

My Mogs is getting on now and needs far more attention and care. She was always great at "getting on with it", as cats generally do, but now it's almost as if she's a kitten again in some respects and relies on me much more now. Sometimes, she is hard work.

But she has been a faithful companion and I could never desert her.

10-10-17, 18:13
I lost my faithful moggy companion a couple of years back now. I know how precious they are so I'm sure you do all you can for her, KK, and I hope she's around for many years to come.

12-10-17, 06:07
Really pleased to hear Primrose is tearing around her home happy again. :yesyes: Seeing them happy & contented is the most reassuring thing.

Elen, I'm sorry to hear one of your dogs is struggling at the moment. I hope they can do something to help with whatever it is and to make him/her comfortable. They are strong little things, stronger than we probably realise, and it's amazing how they take challenges on.

No matter what happens, the love is always there. They know we are doing what we can and are so grateful just for some cuddles which they return when we need them. Support is here is you need it too.

12-10-17, 18:07
Hope you hear soon about your dog, Elen. Fingers very much crossed for you and him.

12-10-17, 18:22
Thanks everyone, he is looking a lot better now.

It would appear that his high temp was the reason he was looking like death warmed up.

The antibiotics have done their stuff and he is more or less back to normal.

I don't mind saying that I was worried sick about him, but it just goes to show don't jump to the worst case senario.

Thanks for asking, it is much appreciated.


12-10-17, 18:28
Just seeing this thread now and I am glad to read everybody's pets are on the mend. We lost a kitten a few years ago and it was so hard. We had to syringe her meds and food, what a tough task and there was always food all over the house. Right now my dog is getting me through a real tough patch so I can understand anybody's fears and worries about their pets. :hugs:

12-10-17, 19:49
That's great news Elen :) Did the vets say what was wrong which caused the high temp?
Bet he is full of beans now and yes pets bring you through the bad times too, this is amazing:hugs:Cheers

12-10-17, 19:49
Great news, Elen! You must be so relieved!

Pets have certainly kept me going, despite the inevitable anxieties along the way.

12-10-17, 20:04
Glad all our pets are doing well - as they should :D

12-10-17, 21:14
No more for me once my oldies are gone as I have no back up should anything happen to me.

12-10-17, 22:13
That's what we all say Ellen no more but they find us , glad your dog is ok , when I lost my old boy last year I said I couldn't go through it again but I'm sat here with two dogs and one more with my daughter , just walked the young one round the block in my pj bottoms in the dark supprising how many people are about when you don't want them to be .
Take care :hugs:

12-10-17, 23:24
Heh, I walk my dog in my pjs all the time. When I am dressed well, nobody seems to be out but when I am in my pink penguin pajama pants the whole neighborhood is out.

13-10-17, 08:26
lol @ you two out in your pj's.

If I went out out in my sleeping attire the police would be called.

13-10-17, 08:41
Aren't pajamas the latest thing to hit the catwalk though? :D

13-10-17, 13:02
:roflmao: That's what I tell myself.

13-10-17, 21:21
I'm quite new to the pj scene so I'm unsure on the etiquette. My daughter bought me some and I was hooked , get home shower and put on the tartan pj's , walking the streets in them was a first but I needed to clear my head and the pup needed a last walk I did at least put on trainers not slippers , when I was a kid if a man was out walking the streets in his pj's there would be a van with men in white coats looking for him , times they are a changing .

17-10-17, 01:45
lol @ you two out in your pj's.

If I went out out in my sleeping attire the police would be called.

Woo hoo :whiplash:

Glad to hear your pooch is doing better. :yesyes::yahoo:

02-04-18, 14:19
My beautiful Primrose died this morning. She was 3years and 3 months old and I had had her from a baby of 6 weeks. She had been through a lot over the past 6 months or so and had recovered from a vet-induced broken leg which was pretty good going for an elderly gerbil!
She lost her sister 3 years ago tomorrow-Clover died from a neurological condition at only 3 months of age-but Prim was happy to live alone and she had the run of a huge tank.
I hope she's running free now over the rainbow bridge. RIP xxxx

02-04-18, 15:41
So sorry to hear this about Primrose Pulisa. She was a lucky lucky girl. Run free over Rainbow Bridge Primrose,

02-04-18, 15:53
Pulisa, so sorry to read this! Pet's are all part of the family and it's heartbreaking when they go. RIP Primrose!!!

02-04-18, 15:54
Oh No! Pulisa. :hugs: I am so sorry. xx
I know to other people they are just pets, but I see mine as my children.
She had a very caring owner and will now be your little angel. :bighug1:

02-04-18, 16:01
I'm so sorry to read this

02-04-18, 17:04
Pulisa sorry to hear this news it's always very sad when we lose our pets Yes Primrose will be running free over that beautiful rainbow bridge RIP Primrose :hugs:

02-04-18, 18:07
Thank you so much everyone:hugs:

I am very sad to lose Prim but she enjoyed her sand bath and food to the very end. Mercifully she died peacefully at home and I didn't have to make that dreaded final visit to the vets...They hadn't got a clue anyway as to how to treat gerbils. They just take exorbitant amounts of cash for doing very little..

Am truly grateful for your kindness and empathy xx

02-04-18, 18:48
So sorry for the loss of your well loved pet Primrose pulisa:hugs::hugs::hugs:

02-04-18, 19:18
Very sorry to hear this, Pulisa. Primrose couldn't have wished for a more caring, loving and compassionate owner. You did your best to give her a good life until the end. And now she is free to run riot in Pet Heaven!

02-04-18, 19:43
Thank you, Magic and KK. Really kind of you both.

02-04-18, 22:16
Sorry to hear you've lost her I know how much she meant to you , to good loving owners they arent just pets they are family , still got my pooches ashes on the fireplace no one will let me scatter them because he will be cold .
Take care :hugs:

03-04-18, 08:12
Thank you, Buster. I know how much your dogs mean to you. I have my cat's ashes by my bedside and do talk to her/them often..
Prim has been buried safely in the garden guarded by a dog statue which weighs a ton!

04-04-18, 02:35
Oh no, so sorry to hear this, pulisa. :hugs: Poor Primrose :flowers:

How is your daughter coping?

She had a very devoted owner & daughter fighting for her all the way and giving her the best care she could have. She loved you for that and had a life knowing she was loved. It sounds like she passed peacefully and the last she probably realised was feeling comfortable & safe and maybe having a nice dream about her loving owners.

She's up there now with her wings on playing with loads of toilet rolls http://yoursmiles.org/msmile/animal/m02109.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/m-animal.php)

04-04-18, 08:33
Thank you, Terry and I really hope so. My daughter was sad but I had prepared her that morning as I felt that Prim wasn't quite right but she fortunately spent some hours at her farm so by the time she came home it had happened and she didn't get to see the worst bit.

I just have my 2 guinea pigs now and will leave it at that because I'm aware that I am just getting too stressed about my pets now and I want to be able to give them the best possible care without overreacting to any possible health problem.

04-04-18, 18:15
When do you get your results Pulisa?

04-04-18, 19:59
I have an appointment on 17th April. I was actually referring to my pets' health probs but I have to admit that I'm a bit worried about my own health-all the what if's etc. Mustn't think too far ahead though-I've spent too much time on the HA board!:D

04-04-18, 20:19
Finger's crossed for you Pulisa. x

04-04-18, 21:19
Thank you, Carnation. I'm glad I had the scan no matter what they find..if anything xx

04-04-18, 21:49
Thank you, Carnation. I'm glad I had the scan no matter what they find..if anything xx

They will find that you're as fit as a fiddle, barring some fine tuning here and there :D

05-04-18, 08:21
I think I've got a few broken strings though but hopefully I'm not destined for the scrapheap just yet...As for fine tuning, I suspect I need a full overhaul!:D