View Full Version : Side effects of donating blood?

29-09-17, 19:24
Hi everyone,

My HA has been almost non-existent the past few weeks, had no concerns etc and thought it was time for me to try and donate blood. So, today I went to my appointment, felt totally fine and no worries. Got the pin prick test to check my iron levels etc and got the all clear and ate some food before being asked to go the chair and get comfortable. Everything was fine, a little nervous I guess but nothing too much. I ended up donating the entire amount and felt fine. The nurse took the needle out and covered the wound with a plaster and told me nicely "You can go and get some food and drink now" so I sat up, and boom. I fainted:blush: When I came around, there was three blood nurses around me telling me what had happened and I was quite surprised I'd fainted aha. Anyways, they reassured me and I am at home now feeling much much better and drinking plenty of fluids and eating regularly to help my body recover. However, for some reason, my HA has came back and I'm scared I'm going to faint again :weep: I know I should be fine, and know if I feel lightheaded again to lay back etc, but I'm worried I'll faint in my sleep :unsure:

Anyone else donated blood?:yesyes:

29-09-17, 20:24
Well done for donating blood. As far as I'm aware you can't "faint" while asleep. If you get light-headed you know what to do however, so you will be A-OK ;)

30-09-17, 02:03
I'm worried I'll faint in my sleep :unsure:


Positive thoughts