View Full Version : DRunk and hit head!

30-09-17, 00:58
I’m really drunk Tonight, I feel so bad!! I just went into my kitchen and self harmed and didn’t feel it, but afterwards I fell and hit the back of my head on the counter. Will I be ok?? Like the self harm didn’t hurt! I’m so scared now I hat hitting my head is bad. I feel ok I guess but my heads hirting a little where I hit it. It was on the back next to my left ear. If it was serious would I be bleeding or blacked out? It happened a few minutes ago I’ve never been this drunk before and I’m scared

30-09-17, 01:05
I'm far more concerned about the fact you self-harmed. Are you receiving any help for your mental health condition?

30-09-17, 01:09
I am receiving help. I just saw my therapist today. I feel so, so bad that I did this. I didn't want to!

I don't want to die. I'm sorry for being like this. How do I know if I'm ok? I'm freaking out.

---------- Post added at 01:07 ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 ----------

I feel like because I'm drunk, I don't know if I'm ok or not.

---------- Post added at 01:09 ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 ----------

I'm sorry again for this post. The self harm isn't too bad. I cut myself but it wasn't serious - I've done it before. I know I shouldn't, I really do. But I know that my self harm isn't going to hurt me at this moment. I know I shouldn't do it and it's harmful to me but I'm just so freaked out about hitting the back of my head.

30-09-17, 01:52
I'm not telling you off for self-harming, and I'm certainly not judging you. The reason it concerns me is because self-harm is an absolute red flag for danger to the sufferer, regardless of whether the act was painful or not.

Are you alone right now? Are you able to reach out to someone in real life who can support you right now?

30-09-17, 02:04
I'm not telling you off for self-harming, and I'm certainly not judging you. The reason it concerns me is because self-harm is an absolute red flag for danger to the sufferer, regardless of whether the act was painful or not.

Are you alone right now? Are you able to reach out to someone in real life who can support you right now?

I appreciate your concern. I am alone, but I live with my brother and he'll be home soon (within the next half an hour)

It's been about an hour since I self harmed and then hit my head. I cleaned my arm where I cut myself so I'll be ok. I am disappointed in myself for doing it. When I drink I feel more depressed (naturally, I guess) and I often feel pretty bad. I don't have an alcohol problem by any means, but I know I need to stop drinking in general because it just leaves me feeling down. I don't self harm everytime I drink, though. The last time I self harmed was at least 4 months ago and my therapist knows about it.
The other night I had been drinking too, and I felt low enough to self harm but I talked myself out of it.
I don't know if it's good or not, but I'd only cut myself a little when I fell and hit my head earlier. About three "cuts". I did bleed a little, but it definitely wasn't a lot of blood and it wasn't life threatening.
I definitely get where you're coming from. I feel so bad and ashamed that I did this tonight. I truly wish I didn't.

I'm still pretty drunk but I'm sobering up. I can't feel any pain where I cut myself (although like I said, it wasn't too deep and I did clean it up pretty quickly after)
but I guess I'm feeling a little pain in my head. It's not blinding pain or anything, but I'm still pretty nervous I guess. I feel so dumb for like.. self harming and wishing I was dead, then when this happened I freaked out so bad. Before I fell I was thinking "I want to die" but since it happened all I think is "I don't want to die". I hope that makes sense?

I'm just mad at myself for getting like this. Like I said, I don't drink all that much but when I do I more often than not feel depressed. I don't usually injure myself though lol

Thanks again for your replies. They do mean a lot to me. I'm sorry for worrying you.

30-09-17, 02:12
I'm sure you will be fine. It's blacking out & throwing up that are more the warning signs.

As SE said, the self harm is much more concerning. And I would add to that about alcohol as whether it is a factor in some way is something for your therapist to consider. alcohol and emotions can be tricky and it may take your self harming guard down if you get hit with low moods from it.

Obviously, take advantage of any crisis line you may need about your mental health whilst you are under the influence and when the hangover hits. Take care.

---------- Post added at 02:12 ---------- Previous post was at 02:09 ----------

Just seen your update. First off, well done for going over 4 months without self harming! Thats very important and shows you are taking your issues on.

The alcohol may be something to abstain from until your therapist, and you, think you are ready for the challenges it brings.

Try not to berate yourself to much, you made a mistake, that's all. Something got to you that you weren't ready for, we al go through that in recovery. After the hangover you get to start again on removing self harming from your life and this event doesn't take away that 4 months of solid work you did.

30-09-17, 02:17
I'm sure you will be fine. It's blacking out & throwing up that are more the warning signs.

As SE said, the self harm is much more concerning. And I would add to that about alcohol as whether it is a factor in some way is something for your therapist to consider. alcohol and emotions can be tricky and it may take your self harming guard down if you get hit with low moods from it.

Obviously, take advantage of any crisis line you may need about your mental health whilst you are under the influence and when the hangover hits. Take care.

Thanks for your reply. It's been over an hour now and I've been conscious for that time and haven't vomited, so I'm trying to feel less anxious. I've said it in my other posts, but I feel bad that I let myself get like this. I feel bad that you guys had to read my posts. I'm definitely not 100% sober, but I'm getting there. I feel ok and my brother will be home soon so I won't be alone. I really appreciate you guys' replies.

---------- Post added at 02:17 ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 ----------

Thank you so much (for your edit)
It does mean a lot to me. I'm lucky to have a supportive family and therapist around me, so I guess that's why I've ended up feeling so guilty.
I really appreciate your messages. I've felt so low tonight but it has helped me to see that there's people out there who care, strangers or not. I appreciate you guys not judging me despite what I did. I've told my mum I fell and hit my head (she reassured me I'm fine) but I've not told them about the self harm, so it means a lot to be able to write it here and have you guys listen.

30-09-17, 20:01
It’s been almost 24 hours since it happened. Anxiety wise I feel a bit better today, the back of my head where I hit it is hurting though and every now and then I get a pain “in” my head on the side where I hit it which is making me nervous. I managed to sleep for about 6 hours after it happened (a few hours after it happened) and that was fine. My neck hurts a little on the side where I hit my head, is that normal? I guess it’s possible I hit my neck too but I’m not sure.

01-10-17, 02:50
Yes, it's like any bang anywhere on the body, you get some bruising so it's going to be tender.

I'm glad to hear you have people to support you. You won't be judged on here, we all have our own issues.