View Full Version : Worried about this cold

30-09-17, 07:33
Me again

So, I have a cold. My nose is sniffly and stuffy and my throat feels painful (but not unbearably) and im coughing a bit. I have a swollen lymph node in my neck and i think i've found one in my groin. I've had this for about 3 days now? (or the lead up I think, you know when you get that feeling like "oh im gonna be sick and have a sore throat tomorrow" and then boom).

Throughout the past three months of HA i've convinced and unconvinced myself of various things. Mainly cancers, including lymphoma. However I managed to assure my anxious mind that I didnt have lymphoma. But now im thinking what if this is lymphoma and you never noticed and this is an infection because my immune systems repressed!!

Logically I know its not lymphoma!! Its the start of the school term where diseases run wild and i've just started uni, where its very busy and you pass thousands of people a day. A had several blood tests a few months ago and they came back normal, lymphoma being a blood cancer and all. I also don't have specific symptoms of lymphoma like night sweats and a fever and itching (though i do get a lot of left side pain which im trying to convince myself isnt my spleen). But that demon of doubt wont go away!:mad:

My right cheek also hurts right now but thats probably just muscle tension or my sinuses.