View Full Version : So tired

30-09-17, 18:15
Hi all,

I'm sure this is a common one, but it's doing my head in at the moment. It would be reassuring to hear some others who struggle with this.

I am an anxiety sufferer - GAD and social anxiety if I had to put a label on it. I like my job - but it is an undeniable source of stress and at the moment is particularly busy. I feel like I can't switch off, even when I come home.

So, naturally, I look forward to the weekends, anticipating I will be able to unwind and restore my energy levels.

But for the last few weekends, despite naturally sleeping upwards of 8-9 hours a night - I am completely exhausted and listless during the day. I ache, feel sleepy and as a consequence I am irritable and frustrated with myself for not feeling up to doing anything.

Today, I tried to force myself to go shopping, but had to give up after a couple of hours as I felt so tired and lacking both energy and motivation. Just felt like I was carrying a bag of weights around on my back.

Is this just my body's reaction to being busy and anxious? How do I combat it? Any advice much appreciated!

01-10-17, 02:04
It can be both I had a hard time resting at all when I had a relaspe and even now back on meds I feel lethargic after a few hours. Try mindfull meditation it will help relax you and restore some energy

01-10-17, 10:28
Tahtah, I don't know what commitments you have to look after others at the weekend but you need to look after yourself as well.

Being anxious all the time is very draining so maybe you could allow yourself a nap, or at least a time out when you don't have to do anything. I find around 40 minutes is good for me. Often I listen to some very soothing meditation music or a guided meditation, sometimes I doze off, sometimes I don't. Your body is telling you to have a rest so listen to it.

Btw 2 HOURS for shopping!<fainting smiley>

02-10-17, 18:46
I struggle with tiredness from anxiety too (or at least I think it's anxiety, as I can't find other causes). Coffee and naps help but these aren't really good solutions. Any advice on dealing with this is appreciated!