View Full Version : I am ringwinner and luckwearer, and I am barrel rider

30-09-17, 18:29
So I'm new to the site, I've been issues articulating whats been going on with me this year so I was hoping and its been suggested that writing would help.

A bit of background I guess I've always been a worrier, would get sick whenever I was away from home and generally spent far more time concerned about what people thought of me than I really should. It wasn't until this year however that things started to move beyond simple worries into something a bit more serious. In May I started to suffer quite significantly barely able to sleep at nights and therefore function at work I started to withdraw barely speaking a word to my colleagues yet all the while working myself into the ground. Then came the next level fear, real fear of things I had never been fearful of before, people outside happy enjoying the sunshine, of going out of the house, going shopping. Fear of just about everything other than going to work. Panic attacks followed and I knew something wasn't right.

Colleagues started to notice the change in my character, drop in productivity and confidence. One fateful 1-2-1 at work with my boss and I had managed to let slip everything I had been hiding for so long. My boss suggested a visit to the GP, the GP suggested sertraline and 5 months on the battle is just as real despite the massive leaps and bounds I've made. I am currently on session 5 of 6 CBT sessions which has also begun to help me make some real progress. GAD as I now know (it was weird the relief I felt when I was finally told it was something putting a name to it gave me something to face) still has significant affects on my life and I still struggle on a daily basis but I have come to understand its affects a bit better.

How GAD affects my life:
Meltdowns- Numerous. I can go from normal to full on meltdown in a matter of moments.
Its all about me- every decision, every word said in jest, every look in my direction can be interpreted in half a million different ways all of which eventually end with me.
Fearful on sudden change, excessive noise and people.
Crutches are required- part of the struggle has been accepting help, letting things and people into my life that I hadn't done before. My friends and my family, but just as important my boss, my CBT counsellor, the sertraline. Removal of any one of those crutches has just as equally become a real fear.
Low mood
A desperate desire to be understood- I guess this is one of the reasons I've joined this forum. To find people who 'get it' who get why one seemingly uneventful event can throw me into a full blown meltdown.

So thats the history, what else I'm a 31 year old administrator from UK, University Graduate, Scifi geek and general all round nerd.

Looking forward to getting reading!


30-09-17, 18:43
Hiya barrelrider and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-09-17, 20:01
Hey Barrelrider - Welcome!...yes plenty of reading, empathy, experience, and really good people!

So put the lid on your barrel and go over the falls...we're waiting for you!


up a ladder
01-10-17, 15:19
Barrelrider; love your intro. I can associate with many of the points you put up. My issues kind of crept up on me in much the same way as yours. One day, I worried but that was it. The next, I was worried but with it came panic, anxiety and then depression. You've done well getting it out in the open with your boss as that for me is one of the big hurdles. Good to hear that CBT is helping and hope you get more from it as you proceed. In general the taboo element seems to be falling aside and the mental health issues are more acceptable to discuss. You are less likely to be classed as "lacking" as was the case a few years ago. This has in turn also caused more of an issue on therapists though. For me, I have not been able to secure NHS support,mine is all self financed.
I wish you well and look forward to any updates.

01-10-17, 19:49
Thanks all for the welcomes.

Up a ladder- My boss has been very supportive, it was weird to end up sharing so much of yourself with someone who wasn't even at that point a friend. The wider organisation thats yet to be seen, I'm keeping it for the most part between my boss and I. I managed to access the CBT through occupational health at work I self referred and was allowed six sessions through the workplace. I was unsure at first but I really can start to feel the benefits.

01-10-17, 20:41
Hi and welcome!