View Full Version : Very anxious about Leukemia please help

01-10-17, 16:12

I had a really bad chest infection which started about a month ago. It started with flu like symptoms.... fever, aches, tiredness etc. Which lasted a few days.

I then developed a bad cold, sinus pain etc. I finally got rid of the cold and cough last week and was just starting to feel better.

However last night, completely out of the blue, the aches and fever returned. No other symptoms as of yet!

I am otherwise well, but am convincing myself I have Leukemia!

I do suffer from HA, I have diagnosed myself in the past with MS, liver problems, brain tumours etc....


01-10-17, 17:41

Chest infections are brutal and lower your immune system making you at a risk to get another cold. Your symptoms are likely to be lingering from your chest infection.

It took me over 2 months to get over my chest infection and got ill with colds inbetween. I'm guilty for self diagnosing myself and in my experience it only throws you into the rabbit hole of worry and darkness!

01-10-17, 19:13

You are so right.

Thanks for the reply 😊