View Full Version : certain smells?

12-06-07, 17:50
I read a post a little while back about someone who cannot tolerate certain smells... Like soaps and detergents. I cannot seem to locate that post again... But I am having a terrible time right now. This sounds nuts... I washed all my linens yesterday with this new laundry detergent that my husband loved the smell of. It smelled good at first, but I woke up a few times last night feeling very sick from the smell. Today, I feel very sick, very weak and totally nauseated by any smells. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? I feel like my head is buzzing, and I cannot not stand to be in my room and smell those linens. Am I losing it?

12-06-07, 18:43
i think maybe you have the flu or something and the smell you are very sensative to it while your sick, ya must have a stomache flu and when we have that we become very sensative to different smells,so you are not losing it at all....just rest and take care of yaself..............linda xx

13-06-07, 09:56

I am very sensitive to certain smells. Mostly highly perfumed ones. I cannot wear perfume or be around people who do. I have to use a very lightly scented fabric conditioner and washing powder. Strong detergents make my ears hiss, my heart beat fast, my eyes blur etc. All the symptoms of anxiety. I still dont know if it is anxiety or just a high sensitivity to smells. I get it with make up and other products too. Shampoo is a nightmare, i get so dizzy.

You are definetly not losing it. Just see how you go. It will more than likely pass.


14-06-07, 18:44
Hi there,

You are not loosing it at all, please don't think that, this is Mrs anxiety playing with you, don't let here do that to you.

When I was acute, certain smells used to set me off. I had to work dame hard on my thought patten to change that.

My daughter suffered pa's, anxiaty from a very young age, she is doing great now. The smell of the leather in the car sets her off, mmm very strange as it never used to bother her, at the mo, I an trying to help her get over this, she does still go in the car but feels unwell sometimes.

Your going to have to work hard on your thought patten with this, go back to the past when the smell never bother you, reasure yourself, keep telling yourself it Mrs anxiety playing with you.

You may have to change what you wash your linen in for a while, but keep facing your fear, keep a cloth with the smell on it so you can face your fear from time to time.

This is an anxiety symptom, it may be a strange one, but they are sometimes arn't they?

I do hope this has helped a little, even if its just knowing you are not alone.

You take care


15-06-07, 23:38
No you aren't losing it, have you thought that you might be sensitive to certain chemicals and this might be contributing to your anxiety? Someone I work with has multiple chemical sensitivity, once she eliminated all these chemicals from around her, her symptoms disappeared. Sounds daunting at first, but once you get going on it, it's not so difficult-start with additive free soap, detergent etc., then read all the labels on the food you buy, it's not too difficult to get food with no numbers in, also go for organic food where you can-pesticides and chemical fertilisers are not good for you. Make up and things all come in perfume free versions. See how you go, it really helped my work colleague.

16-06-07, 01:30
Bad Smells are real...

17-06-07, 03:19
Could and could not be related to that smell.. might be just happened to be at the time you started using the detergent that you started having allergies or associate it with the detergent or something .Maybe you got a wiff and started worrying about it and then its not uncommon for many people to have allergic reactions to detergents .I had a friend once that his maid washed his clothes in scented tide an well she didn't know she was out of it and ran to the store and got the scented kind .He woke the next day broken out with a bad rash from head to toe and wheezing and feeling light headed and realized what had happened and that was that So yes in fact it could be and then could just be your worrying about it ..Maybe you were feeling a little anxious and got a whiff of it and then it made you feel like you described..But stop using it wash your clothes and linens in something else unscented and see.. Good luck .. Michael