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01-10-17, 23:06
Hi All.

After 2 years off the meds I am starting on sertraline again I also have propranolol. My anxiety is back in full force, it has been managible for a while until I got stuck in a sky ride at a theme park. I went to see my new GP who is a new doctor at my surgery he was great and advised me to visit www.moodjuice.scot.nhs.uk the site looks great and could help a lot of people. I have suffered from severe anxiety for around 15 years. For me one of the worse aspects is feeling isolated and alone. I would appreciate people commenting on this post if only to offer a visual reminder to us all that we don't suffer alone, that while we come from different backgrounds and have different triggers we are the victim of the same condition. thanks for reading

02-10-17, 09:39
Hello Bulldog.
You'll definitely not feel alone now you've joined up here.

Like you, my anxiety has leapt up and bitten me on the b*m lately and I haven't done anything as exciting as a theme park ride! I just have to patiently start again employing the skills I have used previously.

Good to hear you have a GP who seems tuned in to conditions like ours.

Keep on keeping on :yesyes:

02-10-17, 09:55
Hi Bulldog.

You are most certainly not alone and I know its good to be with others who understand.

I am in the same old boat as you and Lilliput, damned nerves! Have to agree with Lilliput though, and I too am using my tried and trusted self help methods to see me right.

My self help bibles are anything by Dr Claire weeks, if you have never read anything by her I suggest you do. She really explains all the ins and outs of nervous suffering and ways to overcome it.I also have a CD of relaxation exercises which you are talked through, these eliminate tension , even when you feel like you are about to snap, and I have fallen asleep after doing the method, even on my worst days. Of course you have to keep refereeing back to passages in the books that help you and it takes practice to get into the the exercises, but its worth it in the long run.

I hope we all feel better very soon.

Take care of yourself Bulldog and lilliput :hugs:

02-10-17, 10:19
I totally get what you mean about feeling alone, it really makes it worse when the anxiety spikes. It gets me good sometimes.