View Full Version : Weird chest pressure with shortness of breath

02-10-17, 00:37
Hello, I've been going through some weird symptoms the last couple of days, it all started after this past Thursday. I noticed a small pain in my chest, it wasn't anything major but it was like I could feel a pressure in it. Sometimes it would be in my upper breastbone, other times it would be in a small point in the center of my chest. I would also have nausea and acid reflux to where I could feel it burning at the back of my throat sometimes. Then a couple of days later, I began having shortness of breath where I felt like I needed to breathe constantly as well as a slight dizziness when moving around along with a headache. It's been about a week now and it seems to be getting worse each day. I've been known to amplify stuff like this with my stress before so I thought it was just that in the beginning, I have been dealing with a messy divorce on my parents side for over a year so I thought it was just the aftershock of that with my dad moving back into the house that Thursday.

I went to a doctor on Tuesday, he took my blood pressure, ekg and pulse and told me all of them were normal and that it was probably heartburn mixed with stress and high blood pressure. The symptoms continued so I saw another one on Thursday who pretty much told me the same thing. I've been taking my blood pressure religiously since this has been happening and it's been normal, a little high but I'm in medication to treat that, I think my most recent one was 139/84.

I'm guess I'm just worried, this seems to be getting a little worse each day. I know with two doctors telling me last week that everything was fine should be a good indicator but I can't help but notice this getting worse. I'm panicking and thinking I should go to the ER but I'm worried their going to tell me the same thing the other two doctors did so I waste a trip. I do have a followup appointment on Thursday to check in but I don't know if I can wait that long. Am I just psyching myself out over everything that's happened to me, I know I've done that before. I just don't know what to do and I'm worried..

Panic Stations
02-10-17, 17:18

I am suffering with the same and have done for the past month. Breathing is an unconscious, automatic process that our body deals with for us. Our bodies know how much oxygen we need etc. So when you are consciously trying to control your breathing you begin to breathe quicker, sometimes too deeply and from your upper chest which then causes the horrible tight feeling. I've also had what feels like heartburn/acid reflux with it too along with dizzy spells. I have done the same in that I've been to the doctors 3 times and they have told me the same thing each time - that i am fine. It's a hard one to shake off but the more you react and fear the sensation the worse it will get, just keep yourself constantly as distracted as possible and your brain will realise it doesn't need to worry about your breathing or your chest. It's a really common one and no doubt amplified a lot by what you're going through at the moment - or should i say your anxiety over it is amplifying the problem. Trust in what your doctors have said and don't second guess it, you are fine. And taking your blood pressure constantly doesn't sound like its helping you either. Hope you feel better soon.