View Full Version : Worried about chest pain with a mole in the same area. Could it be related?

02-10-17, 01:00
I have a mole on my chest that I've been worried about for a while. I first noticed it around 3 years ago. It's two shades of brown, has a somewhat irregular border, and it's smaller than a pencil eraser. I don't think it's changed noticeably since I found it.

For quite a while now I've also been having pain around my chest in the same area; a sort of burning ache that comes and goes. I get these pains across my chest on and off, mostly focused around my sternum, but most often I get it towards the left side where this mole is. I've had these pains attributed mostly to anxiety previously, and I may also have acid reflux contributing to it, but I can't help but notice that it feels like it's most consistently in the area around the mole, and sometimes only in that one spot. I did have a clear chest x-ray, ECG, and blood test a bit over a year ago while dealing with a different issue.

I've also had several other HA issues, including lymph node troubles; and if I poke around my chest I keep finding all sorts of lumps and bumps, which doesn't help (and the prodding certainly isn't making the area less painful).

Has anyone experienced anything like this, and do you think it could be related? my anxiety has been going nuts lately and I would really appreciate any advice or information. I'm waiting to get an appointment so I can have these issues checked out, but I could really do with some advice right now to help get my head on straight.

Thanks for reading!

02-10-17, 11:24

02-10-17, 23:28
I'm just going to bump once more in hope that someone might be able to offer some advice. Sorry if this is considered pushy or rude.