View Full Version : Hoarse voice????

12-06-07, 19:44
Hi again

Currently in week three of an anxiety bout! Have been worrying about all sorts of health issues, which are mainly centred around cancer fears. I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience of my current worry? Before the anxiety started I noticed that my voice was getting a little hoarse now and then and although I kept thinking it might be something horrible I managed to push it away. Over the last few weeks my anxiety has come back and I have been all over the place and over the last couple of days I have noticed that my voice sounds really strained and hoarse. I told my doctor and he thinks it is anxiety related! I am so worried that it is cancer of the throat/larynx/lung area. Can anyone relate to this?

Sarah x

12-06-07, 19:56
I also get the hoarse voice while anxious. I always feel like my throat is a little scratchy. I think it has to do with allergies. I know my allergies are a ton worse when I am going through an anxiety bout. I am also going through a rough patch, maybe it is just that time of year. It will pass.

12-06-07, 20:03
I used to get this and realised that when I was anxious I would tend to clear my throat and swallow alot more than usual. I started to pay closer attention when I was anxious not to do those things and the hoarsness and sourness went away.

Hope you feel better soon hun:flowers::hugs:

miss motown
12-06-07, 23:54
oh my god i dont belive it i only went today to see my gp over the same thing its been going on for months and im convinced it is cancer im also getting a very dry mouth and bringing up alot of acid which has givin me a sore tongue do u ever get hiccups as this is another problem i have. i so convinced i have the big c.how long have you had this and do u smoke

13-06-07, 10:03
I don't smoke, but I do seem to have a lot of horrible stuff continually going down my throat. I've had that for a long time though and never had a hoarse voice. What did your doc say miss motown? I am currently off work with anxiety and have started taken Citalopram again. My doctor seemed very unconcerned! The trouble is googled hoarse voice and scared myself. Determined to stop doing that!

13-06-07, 10:17
Have you had your thyroid tested? A hoarse voice can indicate an underactive thyroid. A simple blood test will tell you.


13-06-07, 10:30
HI, my voice has been like this for a couple of months. Deep down I know its all related to anxiety and also the citralopram seems to make your mouth dry as well.Ialso swallow constantly checking for the old lump in the throat. On bad days I still think its cancer. Keep telling yourself its not and one day it will not be there. It may come back which is hard to deal with but one day we may both be free.Love Imogen

13-06-07, 19:56
I had a hoarse voice for three months. It was something totally harmless called "vocal nodules". This is basically like some hard skin on the vocal cords, caused either by talking too much (me!) or being in a smokey atmosphere. They clear up in time. I had been doing lots of presentations at work without drinking enough water. Apparently teachers get this all the time (all that shouting at their pupils!) and it's really nothing to worry about.

When you are anxious your throat goes dry (think about it, if you ever have to do a presentation your mouth goes dry and you need a drink of water). So drink lots of water as otherwise even talking when anxious strains your vocal cords and causes these nodules. Mine totally cleared up on their own and I have had no problems for years now

Hope you get better soon

13-06-07, 22:49
I had this one last summer! I would talk and suddenly my throat would go tickly and almost every other sentence my voice would go scratchy. I also found if I tried 'singing' my throat felt like ti was scratching above certain notes. Well, I spent ages like that and them by Winter, I'd somehow forgotten about it and my voice was normal. It comes back every now and then but doesn't bother me at all.

Incidentally, later on I also had a cough that didn't go away and wheezing. Can you imagine how convinced I was then?? All fine though.

You're fine - I'm sure doctors would recognise true horaseness straight away.

miss motown
15-06-07, 23:43
hi hun my gp also didnt seem that concerned when i told her she says its anxiety i did tell her my fears of throat cancer and she just laughed it off and told me not to be silly i still have this and im still very worried ive now been intouch with bupa and im waiting on an appointment ill give you an update when ive been and had all my tests take care

27-06-07, 21:40
Hi All
Ive just been reading your posts as recently i too have had a hoarse throat and am off sick at mo (with my shoulder,) also with the hoarseness i have got a tickly cough apert from that feel well in myself but now worrying it could be something serious but im sure its not really i just seem to worry about everything at the moment. I too have tried to sing(kids always tell me to be quiet cos i cant sing !!!) and my voice just cracks up .
Dont like keep going to the doctor though .
Take care all
Anne xx

28-06-07, 10:56

please try not to worry. My major anxiety is about cancer too and its mainly lung cancer. I've thought about why i'm so afraid of lung cancer (i'm 26 and don't smoke!) and I think lung cancer is my greatest fear because breathing is the main thing that we associate with being alive and that basically the fear is centred around not being here anymore.

I don't know if this is true for anyone else - but I definitantly notice that when i'm having a bout of health anxiety the sensations get focussed on that one area (so for example i'll feel like i can't breath or a twinge that i wouldn't normally notice is something far more serious than it is). A while ago i had a cough that wouldn't go away - it lasted for over 2 months! in rational hindsight i think it went on longer than i thought because i was so focused on my cough.

I'm not sure if this relates to you at all - maybe the hoarseness is not as bad as it actually is. But i know its very difficult for someone who's worried to accept that as a possibility. Just maybe try and find reassurance that in the future chances are you WILL look back at this and think "I made such a mountain out of a molehill". at least thats how i think.

all the best

Jess x:)

28-06-07, 19:36
Hi all
Typically as with 'health anxiety' my fear has now moved from the hoarseness to my mental health. Instead of the cancer fears I now have fears of schzophrenia or manic depression!!!!! I also noticed that my hoarseness is there when I am really anxious, been crying alot or haven'nt spoken to anyone all day!

Wendie j
29-06-07, 14:48
Hi Sarah

I can relate to what you are saying,I had about 6 weeks ago a nasty infection which caused a sore throat with swelling and swollen glands in my neck.Having bad health anxiety I thought it was the big C word as the sore throat just hasnt gone even with a course of antibiotics.

What im trying to tell myself is that i did the right thing and got it checked out (twice!!) and they dont seem worried.Id say as long as youve had it checked out id try not and worry as they know what they are looking for.

The chemist gave me lots of tips to try to help so if you would like me to pass on any of these just give me a PM.

wendie j xxxx:)

19-06-13, 11:52
Hi All.

I too have a what started out as a " health anxiety". My voice started becoming hoarse after the birth of my daughter. What i didnt realise at the time is that i may have suffered from PND. I hid it very well therefore no treatment was sought. I just put it down to babay blues.

After 3 years, yes 3 years of fearing that i have cancer. My dad died of Brain cancer 11 years ago, i am 26. I went to the doctor, actually 2 and they both diagnosed me with laryngitus. I had explained that it was prolonged.

I then started having panic attacks on my way to work fearing that if anything should happen would there be any one to help etc.

The panic attacks had become more frequent and i just got fed up and was referred to a specialist who did a scope of my throat,vocal chords and larynx. Infact a whole bunch of them. The results came back back all clear of any illness and was out down to anxiety. I had convinced myself that something was wrong and my body " believed" it.

I am now in Therapy for anxiety and what i didnt realise, depression. I am hoping that after all if this that i will find my voice again.

I urge everyone to face your fears and just have it checked out so that you can receive the proper treatment. Life is too short to worry all the time.

Much love to all. And good luck