View Full Version : Coming off cymbalta

02-10-17, 09:34
I thought Effexor was the worst med for suicide but Cymbalta beats it hands down , since i raised it to 90mg . i am a smoking gun . the space cadet near on nuked myself. The wife saw me counting my meds and asked what the f*** you doing, I NOT allowed in my med safe she usually keeps locked because i am a loose cannon it the brain department. Cymbalta bought me to this state i dropped straight away to 60mg a week ago and today 30mg , there's some bad vibes with this med no wonder it like effexor and is black boxed warned:wacko::wacko::wacko:

02-10-17, 12:42
Can sympathise Brian. This was the only med that gave me suicidal thoughts (and projectile vomiting). I lasted a week on 30mg. Then I switched to Ven which was like a revelation in comparison.

Good luck tapering and coming off it. I'm sorry you don't feel it helped.

02-10-17, 18:04
I'm sorry, Brian. Obviously your bipolar makes things much more complicated in terms of meds. I hope the psych team is looking after you.

02-10-17, 18:43
I'm sorry, Brian. Obviously your bipolar makes things much more complicated in terms of meds. I hope the psych team is looking after you.
well yes, but they keep loosing shrinks,all locums chasing the money i have a psych nurse comes to my house she in on the ball

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:41 ----------

Can sympathise Brian. This was the only med that gave me suicidal thoughts (and projectile vomiting). I lasted a week on 30mg. Then I switched to Ven which was like a revelation in comparison.

Good luck tapering and coming off it. I'm sorry you don't feel it helped.

what sort of taper did you do from Cymbalta to ven:wacko::wacko::wacko:

03-10-17, 12:17
what sort of taper did you do from Cymbalta to ven:wacko::wacko::wacko:

I didn't taper - wanted that shit out of my system. Started low dose Ven almost immediately. Couldn't have felt any worse at the time anyway.

03-10-17, 14:06
I didn't taper - wanted that shit out of my system. Started low dose Ven almost immediately. Couldn't have felt any worse at the time anyway.

03-10-17, 18:02
I hope your psych nurse is supporting you through this? Chopping and changing psychiatrists hardly helps. It's just the luck of the draw who you get and they all have different theories and dole out different diagnoses depending on who you get allocated. I think the most important person in all this is your wife who has to provide stability and constant monitoring of your mood. I do the same with my daughter. At least you have her to look after you.

03-10-17, 18:33
I hope your psych nurse is supporting you through this? Chopping and changing psychiatrists hardly helps. It's just the luck of the draw who you get and they all have different theories and dole out different diagnoses depending on who you get allocated. I think the most important person in all this is your wife who has to provide stability and constant monitoring of your mood. I do the same with my daughter. At least you have her to look after you.

04-10-17, 18:02
May be off line from tomorrow for a while, i am going to the hospital for a shrink recall , i have to change my meds again cymbalta is just to stimulating,He may keep me in the zoo has i a broken with with the constant med changes and don't think i can do another at home i am to on the brink with no fight . we will see tomorrow:wacko::wacko::wacko:

04-10-17, 18:08
May be off line from tomorrow for a while, i am going to the hospital for a shrink recall , i have to change my meds again cymbalta is just to stimulating,He may keep me in the zoo has i a broken with with the constant med changes and don't think i can do another at home i am to on the brink with no fight . we will see tomorrow:wacko::wacko::wacko:

See what your doc recommends Brian. Maybe reducing dose for a while is answer if it's too stimulating and activating? Or perhaps adding another med to stabilise mood?

Chin up! You can win this battle even though the war goes on for us all.

04-10-17, 19:48
Maybe it's for the best, Brian? These meds aren't easy especially with bipolar and the acute anxiety aspect. You deserve to be properly monitored if you do have to start a new drugs regime and a weekly visit from the psych nurse is just scratching the surface. Get yourself stabilised under the care of a decent psych support team and if this means hospital it will be worth it to feel better and safer.

05-10-17, 08:01
Maybe it's for the best, Brian? These meds aren't easy especially with bipolar and the acute anxiety aspect. You deserve to be properly monitored if you do have to start a new drugs regime and a weekly visit from the psych nurse is just scratching the surface. Get yourself stabilised under the care of a decent psych support team and if this means hospital it will be worth it to feel better and safer.

---------- Post added at 08:01 ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 ----------

See what your doc recommends Brian. Maybe reducing dose for a while is answer if it's too stimulating and activating? Or perhaps adding another med to stabilise mood?

Chin up! You can win this battle even though the war goes on for us all.:shrug:

05-10-17, 08:23
If you do get admitted then I really hope you get some decent help and support and also that you get your meds sorted although I know this will be complicated and far from straightforward.

05-10-17, 13:00
i am back from the shrinks and hospital he wont put me in the wards has the experience i had 10 years ago would trigger me and make me worse i can well see his point. he wants me on 5 olanzapine at night to sleep , i always steered clear because of weight gain but its getting to where i do has i am told not has i say. he wanted to keep me on the 30 mh Cymbalta but i said NO its 2 stimulating he said ok brian shoot,:whistles: escitalopram i said it popped out 2 year ago but a small dose could reactivate, i said 10mg he said no we stop the 30mg Cymbalta and add just 5mg escitalopram, that with your six lorazepam an 5mg olanzapine may break the deadlock. I went to 4 chemists and none had generic Lexapro escitalopram but found 1 who will deliver tonight,to say the med is far superior to citalopram old shcool is an understatement it must be the price the nhs discourage the chemist to stock it:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:

05-10-17, 13:10
You may find you are much better on 5mg escitalopram. I've always said that less is more when it comes to acute anxiety/agitation/akasthisia. Therapeutic dosages go out the window-it's down to what suits you and what helps without being too activating. Do you have faith in this psychiatrist?

05-10-17, 17:56
You may find you are much better on 5mg escitalopram. I've always said that less is more when it comes to acute anxiety/agitation/akasthisia. Therapeutic dosages go out the window-it's down to what suits you and what helps without being too activating. Do you have faith in this psychiatrist?

YES HE GAVE ME A HUG A BIG BLACK GUY, He said i no you dont like taking olanzipine but this med can raise the dead. its fat or dead what your take, i said 50-50:wacko::wacko::wacko:

05-10-17, 18:12
I think if you trust him you will go with the olanzapine. I know what it does to you but if it relieves symptoms and allows you to sleep and get some respite then maybe you can be a bit careful with what you eat? Does it make you gain weight whatever you eat?

05-10-17, 18:23
I think if you trust him you will go with the olanzapine. I know what it does to you but if it relieves symptoms and allows you to sleep and get some respite then maybe you can be a bit careful with what you eat? Does it make you gain weight whatever you eat?


05-10-17, 18:29
YES HE GAVE ME A HUG A BIG BLACK GUY, He said i no you dont like taking olanzipine but this med can raise the dead. its fat or dead what your take, i said 50-50:wacko::wacko::wacko:

Problem is you won't know exactly how this combo will affect you till you try it, so I would go with flow and try not to speculate too much, Brian.

Also, I've found that we don't necessarily react in the same way as we did to a particular med we tried in the past.

Good luck with it ;)

06-10-17, 10:54
MAN i feel rough today, did what the shrink said stop the 30 mg Cymbalta, glad to see that go even though i am not of this planet today. the first morning i have not been so wired with adding 5mg olanzapine last night and the 5mg escitalopram this morning, there is a right battle going on today in my brain i havent a clue. The wife said brian the pull switch in the bathroom dont work i bought you a new one to fit????????? i cannot hold the screwdriver i have the shakes, i said you will have to bath in the dark for a day or 2.. :wacko::wacko:

06-10-17, 12:08
I wouldn't attempt to fix any electric stuff!!:D She'll have to have a bath during the day perhaps?

06-10-17, 14:37
I wouldn't attempt to fix any electric stuff!!:D She'll have to have a bath during the day perhaps?

Absolutely! Keep away from that plug! We can deal with meds complaints but not electrocutions :scared15:

06-10-17, 18:28
Absolutely! Keep away from that plug! We can deal with meds complaints but not electrocutions :scared15:
I have done it in between a LORAZEPAM 2mg fix stopped the hands shaking:wacko: