View Full Version : Lymph node behind ear

02-10-17, 09:56
Hello all

I went to my GP last week as I felt a lump behind my ear not on the skull but below this, the GP said it was a raised lymph node and not to worry due to its size and location however if it gets bigger or remains there for over 6 weeks I would need to go back.

I have not been ill for this to come up!

Has anyone had this before? Obviously I am thinking lymphoma or an un- diagnosed cancer spreading somewhere as nodes try filter or fight foreign cells!

Freaking out here just slightly and the prodding and poking is not helping me one bit either

02-10-17, 13:08
GP said it was a raised lymph node and not to worry due to its size and location however if it gets bigger or remains there for over 6 weeks I would need to go back......the prodding and poking is not helping me one bit either

It will be there 6 weeks from now if you continue to poke and prod!

Positive thoughts

02-10-17, 14:26
Thanks for your reply, I am concerned though as if there is no visible or felt cold or infection, why is the node raised/swollen in the first place?

08-10-17, 17:20
I have just had a scan for the same reason. It is a reactive lymph node that just hasn't went down. Feels huge but it reality it was only 2.4mm

09-10-17, 12:26
Hi pepperpot, mine seems to have gone down in size slightly, will keep an eye on it though

15-08-18, 05:57
Hi, now i have the same thing with one little lymph node behind my left ear.i went to the doctor, he said nothing to worry about,if it will not go away in 3 months,then come back.my blood test is completely ok.i have no problems.but the small node is still there.niw it is 2,5 weeks.i noticed it 2 days after i was at new hairdresser and i had a reaction on hair dye.the colour was with pdd and my scalp became completely itchy and red.
How was it with your lymph node? Did it go away?

15-08-18, 09:05
Hi, now i have the same thing with one little lymph node behind my left ear.i went to the doctor, he said nothing to worry about,if it will not go away in 3 months,then come back.my blood test is completely ok.i have no problems.but the small node is still there.niw it is 2,5 weeks.i noticed it 2 days after i was at new hairdresser and i had a reaction on hair dye.the colour was with pdd and my scalp became completely itchy and red.
How was it with your lymph node? Did it go away?

Hi there

Yes my node went away after a while though - I noticed that I had a spot on the back of my neck so put it down to that, they are normally nothing to be concerned about - anything can raise these nodes behind the ear :)

15-08-18, 17:45
we seem to all in the same, what changes is just the size of the ganglion and the location. I read studies that say that if the minor axis is less than 1cm the chance and very remote from being cancer proceeds? What really disturbs me and does not diminish for a month I noticed, but I do not know how long it was already there

16-08-18, 19:11
I had 2 come up in my groin 10 years ago that are still there. They never changed. They are completely benign. I had one on my neck this year. It grew to the size of a golf ball in 3 months and turned out to be lymphoma.

So even it's still there in 6 weeks so long as it hasn't changed, I wouldn't worry too much over it. There is a huge difference in sinister lymph nodes and simple reactive lymph nodes. Those nodes will let you know, trust me.

16-08-18, 19:32
I had 2 come up in my groin 10 years ago that are still there. They never changed. They are completely benign. I had one on my neck this year. It grew to the size of a golf ball in 3 months and turned out to be lymphoma.

So even it's still there in 6 weeks so long as it hasn't changed, I wouldn't worry too much over it. There is a huge difference in sinister lymph nodes and simple reactive lymph nodes. Those nodes will let you know, trust me.

Thank you very much, so based on your answer to a medical expert in the field is it relatively easy to distinguish a reactive lymph node from a malignant one, especially if he also has an ultrasound in his hands attesting to the characteristics of the correct lymph node?

16-08-18, 19:35
Thank you very much, so based on your answer to a medical expert in the field is it relatively easy to distinguish a reactive lymph node from a malignant one, especially if he also has an ultrasound in his hands attesting to the characteristics of the correct lymph node?

In my experience, yes absolutely. Cancerous nodes grow until they're addressed.

16-08-18, 19:38
SetYourMindFree (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=89735)
Last question: can slow-growing lymph nodes be distinguished from their correct start? due to shape, size, mobility ...? Doctors can distinguish these lymph nodes even if they are in the beginning through clinical examination and help such as the ultrasound ????

16-08-18, 21:32
Can anybody feel their groin lymph nodes?

16-08-18, 22:16
Don't try to "feel" your lymph nodes, you will just imagine things that are not there.

Poking them constantly will only make things worse.