View Full Version : Really in need of help today.... please

02-10-17, 10:35
End of week 9/start week 10...

Saturday I crashed quite bad, but got through the day. Yesterday I spent all day in bed. Felt awful as if nothing could get worse. Today have woken up feeling suicidal, clutching onto wife and crying. I just cannot see any positive any more. I'm in such a bad way.

I expect blips, but this is like I was when I decided to go back on Cit. Previous blips have not been like this. 7 weeks on 20mg, now 2 weeks 30mg.. and crash.

PLEASE... what to do. I don't want to face the day.

02-10-17, 10:56
Hi. I'm not on any medication so can't comment on that.
But you sound so desperate I thought I'd reach out because I know how it feels.
There are lots of things you can do together with taking medication which in my experience takes quite a while to work.

Breathing exercises. While you focus on the breathing your mind is off your condition for a bit.
Natural relaxers like Chamomile tea with honey, Rescue Remedy.
Go for a walk and breath in some fresh air.
Talk to someone else, but not about your problem. Rather talk about their problems. Again, it takes your mind of your condition.
Even just talking to others on the forum, maybe trying to help with their problems.

All of the above may sound trivial, but just making some effort towards your recovery and not just relying on the medication to do it for you, will help you to feel that you're gaining some control.

I know how it feels, like you don't want to go through another day like this. But you'll get through it and you WILL get better.
You probably just want to stay in bed, but that's the worst thing you can do. It takes a huge effort, but get up and get busy with anything.

As the day goes on you'll start to feel better, mornings are always the worst time.

02-10-17, 10:58
Calm down man, It's not the end of the world. You got a wife so you gotta stay strong for her. You got 2 choices, either get up and face the day or stay in bed. But if you stay in bed and if it's going to make you even more suicidal tomorrow then you have to get up now and face the music.

Mondays are the worst.

02-10-17, 13:04
Hi there , it will pass a lot of us get the hopeless feeling I felt the same way myself this morning but I forced myself up and out , I walked the dogs that helped a bit but I still don't feel up to working today so I'm holed in my camper away from everyone for a bit , if you are mechanically minded find somthing to fix to occupy your mind , getting my hands dirty is my therapy .
Tomorrow you might wake to find the clouds have cleared and if not maybe the next day .
Hang in there .

02-10-17, 13:17
Hang in there, things will get better. Talk to your GP or mental health team, they are there to keep you safe so please make contact and tell them you are suicidal and feeling so low.