View Full Version : Dizzy, bloated head, VERY anxious, please any suggestions, advice

02-10-17, 12:48
I posted this 6 years ago (under a different name).
I'm suffering badly from this right now. Just don't know how to live with it this time around. I have constant anxiety thinking what it might be. Even reading past posts to remind myself that it's happened before don't seem to help. What is this??? Can anyone please give me a logical explanation.

"Does anyone else have this?
I feel dizzy and my head feels almost bloated the same as when one has flu - except I don't have flu.
I know I've had it before over the years - I only have to look back at my previous posts but each time it comes back I start to panic again that it may be something more serious.
It's worse in the morning and usually by evening it's gone.
In the morning I feel almost unbalanced and as though I'm going to fall over.
Last year I was told it was as a result of an overdose of adrenaline in my system and it lasted three months.
Now it's back again.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Solutions? somethng that will reassure me?

I'm feeling quite desperate today. So any advice on how to deal with this symptom would help.

---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

Please can anyone comment on this, I'm really battling today.

02-10-17, 13:22
Big hugs Becky, I've had a feeling of being off balance almost like a swaying sensation recently. It seems to have gone fingers crossed. The fact you've posted about this before should ease your worries. If it was 6 years ago the fact your still here and relatively well should help your anxiety x

02-10-17, 14:41
Thanks so much for replying. I know you're right but that's anxiety for you, we panic even when it's totally irrational. :wacko:
When it's somehing physical like this I really try to get to the bottom of it. I know my anxiety intensifies the symptoms.
I just wish someone had a straightforward answer as to why this happens.
I think if I knew, I'd be able to tolerate it instead of prolonging it with panic.
Doctors simply say 'anxiety". But nobody can tell me why...

02-10-17, 15:08
Thanks so much for replying. I know you're right but that's anxiety for you, we panic even when it's totally irrational. :wacko:
When it's somehing physical like this I really try to get to the bottom of it. I know my anxiety intensifies the symptoms.
I just wish someone had a straightforward answer as to why this happens.
I think if I knew, I'd be able to tolerate it instead of prolonging it with panic.
Doctors simply say 'anxiety". But nobody can tell me why...

Hi Becky.

Try and get a copy of "Self help for your nerves," by Dr Claire Weekes. They are really good and cover symptoms as well as strategies to help you recover.

As others have said,and you yourself, you have had this before and survived it, so its nothing terrible. During anxiety its like our heads find the most horrible thoughts to throw at us and we can wear ourselves out trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Best bet is to try and stop going over and over it and remind yourself it will pass. Trying to figure it out is only prolonging the suffering.

Sending a big hug your way, and good wishes that you will stop looking for an answer and start to settle very soon. :hugs:

02-10-17, 16:35
I posted this 6 years ago (under a different name).
I'm suffering badly from this right now. Just don't know how to live with it this time around. I have constant anxiety thinking what it might be. Even reading past posts to remind myself that it's happened before don't seem to help. What is this??? Can anyone please give me a logical explanation.

"Does anyone else have this?
I feel dizzy and my head feels almost bloated the same as when one has flu - except I don't have flu.
I know I've had it before over the years - I only have to look back at my previous posts but each time it comes back I start to panic again that it may be something more serious.
It's worse in the morning and usually by evening it's gone.
In the morning I feel almost unbalanced and as though I'm going to fall over.
Last year I was told it was as a result of an overdose of adrenaline in my system and it lasted three months.
Now it's back again.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Solutions? somethng that will reassure me?

I'm feeling quite desperate today. So any advice on how to deal with this symptom would help.

---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 ----------

Please can anyone comment on this, I'm really battling today.

That's a major part of it - adrenaline surge in the body that affects blood pressure and heartbeat. I suffer from this too from time to time and most people describe it as being on a ship rocking back and forth. That's about what it feels like to me.

Here's what happens in my personal experience. I may have a intrusive thought about something negative that might happen to me whether it's my health or an outside physical force taking my life. When I catch myself thinking in this way, I immediately try to focus on something else positive, but unfortunately even if I manage to do that - the negative seed of worry and "what if's" is planted and lingers in my subconscious.

So some minutes later or even hours later, something reminds of that negative thought I had earlier in some uncanny way and - Bam! - anxiety becomes more intense then ever which effects the vagus nerve, which causes the adrenaline glands to release adrenaline prematurely and then I get an adrenaline surge that kicks me into high gear.

Now this effects my blood pressure (higher blood pressure) which gives me a pressure sensation in my head or at the base of my head, while it mostly effects how fast my heartbeat is beating. The fast heartbeat, powered by adrenaline, is what causes the rocking ship effect, because you're standing still and not running or exercising. I got the go-go juice (adrenaline), but I'm not going anywhere or using up the stuff because I'm either too afraid to move or too focused on what's happening to me and my body, instead of doing some physical activity to get rid of the adrenaline and tire myself out.

And meanwhile my brain is telling me "fight or flight", but I don't understand that or I forget that it's what's going on here, because all I know in the moment of panic, is there is no outside threat that I would normally fight or run from. Because it's the body that is acting up in such a way without reason and that's all I can focus on. But deep down I know what the reason was (negative thoughts earlier), but my mind is thinking too damn fast with all the adrenaline be pumped through my body\brain and I can't slow down and think straight. So I'm confused with conflicting thoughts and I panic until the adrenaline is spent.

Anyway, that's what I figured out in the mechanics of it all, after all these years through the numerous times I've experienced it myself. And maybe that will give you a idea about how and why it happens.