View Full Version : Mole concerns - HA spiraling out of control

02-10-17, 11:19
Hi there - I had a mole removed three weeks ago - here's the history. Doctor wasn't initially concerned about it and said it was slightly irritated and to put a plaster on it and come back in six weeks, which I duly did - HA beginning to spiral at this point. When I went back he took another look and said he wasn't concerned and it didn't look as bad. Now I was terrified of wearing a bra again in case it irritated it and phoned him up to ask about removing it, to which he replied that we don't routinely remove moles like that. Still concerned I went back to see him and he asked me if I would like him to remove it to stop the worry, I agreed. Now, wish maybe I shouldn't have! The results came back as a Dysplatic Nevi which he explained meant it had slight changes but was not cancer. He said he had excised it well and he wasn't concerned, just keep an eye on my moles, take pictures and come back if any changes. He also said I had a couple on my back similar to the one removed (albeit smaller). I have spent the weekend feeling sick and in a horrid state of heightened anxiety as I made the mistake of googling it!! I am now terrified that my other moles are going to become malignant as I may now be at a higher risk and feel as though I need to go back to the Doc for more reassurance - PLEASE has anyone else had these types of moles. Years ago I had two other moles removed and they turned out to be 'fine' (I think years ago they didn't tell you the full classification, just 'fine' or 'not fine' and for all I know these could have been the same thing anyway). Sorry for the long post - just need to get it all out...!

02-10-17, 12:40
Hi Jane

I am awaiting removal of a mole that I had checked out at a private clinic. The actually had concerns over 3 and these three were all examined under a dermascope. 2 of them I was told were only mildly atypical and could just be left and monitored. A third I have been told requires urgent referral, although they say the likely diagnosis is severely atypical.

I know how you feel. I have the same anxiety as you. But in essence I really don't want to let it rule my life. Even awaiting the removal of this highly suspicious mole I feel that I need to just breathe deeply, focus on happy things and try to put it to the back of my mind.

If not prohibitively expensive for you I would recommend looking in to yearly mole screenings and getting a mole map done. That way the experts can keep a close eye on your skin and you may feel your own checks can become less intense as a result.

Sending a virtual hug.

I personally wouldn't worry about a dysplastic nevi. I think they say up to 10% of the population have at least one of them. And most, anxiety-free, people probably never even give them a second thought.

02-10-17, 14:11
Ahh thanks for your reply Jayne and for your advice. Good luck with your removal, I'm sure it will all be ok. The GP at our practice specialises in dermatology and removes things in the practice which is where I had it done - I have considered going to a private clinic but I think it will make my HA worse; I am probably better off sticking with the GP at the clinic as I am sure he will check them for me at regular intervals. I was considering asking him for a referral but I think he will be offended that I don't consider him experienced enough - he has worked for 5 years in Australia dealing with skin issues and has a diploma in dermatology, so I guess he knows what he's talking about. I am also sure you are right and that there are people out there walking around with dysplastic nevi who don't even know - sometimes too much knowledge is bad for us sufferers who overthink things!