View Full Version : New puppy anxiety

02-10-17, 14:32
Why am I suffering with anxiety after getting a new puppy ?? Since getting her I've felt detached from myself and on edge

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02-10-17, 15:43
Why am I suffering with anxiety after getting a new puppy ?? Since getting her I've felt detached from myself and on edge

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This is actually super common it was actually what brought me to this forum in the first place, there are some brilliant threads already on this site, I’m on mobile at the moment so not able to link.

But what I do know is that having a new animal is a huge change to both your personal space and your routine and it can certainly make you feel on edge when you are adapting. Also I found my worries that I might not be giving the best care too.

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02-10-17, 15:53
The detachment from myself is horrid

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02-10-17, 15:55
The detachment from myself is horrid

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It is, i can completely sympathise. The best thing I could do is encourage myself to carry on and try and enjoy things especially with the new pet and honestly after a while you stop trying to enjoy things and you actually are enjoying them again.

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02-10-17, 16:02
Scroll down to the foot of the page to see other threads on this topic. It's super common and just the change in your normal routine. It will get better. Happens every time to me and I have a load of dogs..and cats.

02-10-17, 16:35
I get the detachment thing as well and agree it's horrid. The feeling is probably your mind trying to take you away from your worry and give you a little rest.

Perhaps try really focusing on your puppy using all your senses one at a time. When my dogs are asleep sometimes I just watch or feel them breathing, they are so relaxed and I can tune in to that.

02-10-17, 19:35
So it's normal

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---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------

I feel like I'm looking at myself ... really odd , memory loss etc

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02-10-17, 19:57
Well, not everyone gets the unreality feeling but there are plenty of us who do and it's not harmful, just a bit weird until it passes.

02-10-17, 20:38
Hi badasweasel Yep pretty much so puppies are cute, but also hard work! The good thing is it will get easier been a dog owner now for nearly 10 years so I know it gets better. How old is the pup and what breed do you have? I would be happy to help with any problems you have :) Cheers

02-10-17, 21:19
9 weeks ... English Bull Terrier

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02-10-17, 22:18
Cool I have a staffy bull terrier :) What research have you done on the breed? They are cracking dogs but need to know boundaries I suggest you have a look on Google and type in nilif+dogs its a cool way to train and is kind and positive Eg: when putting the food down make sure he/she sits and stir the food(if its dry kibble) if not just put your hand in the bowl pretend to get a bit of food out and eat it then say go on then or any other word you choose by doing this the pup will see you as a Alpha (top dog) and will help stop food aggression. put the work in and you will have loyal, loving companion for life :) Cheers

03-10-17, 11:06
bigboyuk has the right idea staffy , they would die for their family. i have had both English bull and staffy , my staffy bitch had 3 litters and died at 12years. My english but terrier was more mentally ill than me , it had a fixation on just me and have nothing to do with anyone else in the family. THEY need some real tough love because there a big strong dog if the want to kick off. you will need a new suit , carpets, doors ect ect they love to rip the house to bits just for fun. i now have the ultimate street fighters PATTERDALE TERRIERS here is a pic of my dog BUDDY looking after 1 of my grand kids LEXI http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=3221&stc=1&d=1507024404

03-10-17, 11:22
Taking on a pet is a big responsibility, and you are obviously a responsible person. The puppy has fallen on its feet I would say, not gone to some half wit who wouldn´t be bothered if they were looking after it properly or not. I´m sure you will settle and feel more like your old self soon. :)

03-10-17, 11:28
Taking on a pet is a big responsibility, and you are obviously a responsible person. The puppy has fallen on its feet I would say, not gone to some half wit who wouldn´t be bothered if they were looking after it properly or not. I´m sure you will settle and feel more like your old self soon. :)
:wacko::wacko::wacko engish bullterriers fall on there head not feet

03-10-17, 13:13
bigboyuk has the right idea staffy , they would die for their family. i have had both English bull and staffy , my staffy bitch had 3 litters and died at 12years. My english but terrier was more mentally ill than me , it had a fixation on just me and have nothing to do with anyone else in the family. THEY need some real tough love because there a big strong dog if the want to kick off. you will need a new suit , carpets, doors ect ect they love to rip the house to bits just for fun. i now have the ultimate street fighters PATTERDALE TERRIERS here is a pic of my dog BUDDY looking after 1 of my grand kids LEXI http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/attachment.php?attachmentid=3221&stc=1&d=1507024404 I am sorry to hear this braindead was your staffy ill mines 10 nearly I obviously don't want her to die at 12 is this their average lifespan I hope not ? I agree they can be very challenging so you have to challenge back if you aren't a strong minded person then issues will occur. They do get bored very quickly so it's important that they are regulary exercised and played with too :)

I remember at the age of 3 years old she did challenge me over a chair (resource guarding and it's not to be tolerated ever!) She normally gets off when asked and still does now it was just one day she decided not to I did panic a bit when she air snapped she didn't touch my skin but it was a bad move on her part I hit her so hard with my voice and eyes she shot off the chair real fast and has never challenged me since so glad I did what I did I have dog that respects me and still loves me to this very day :) So to the OP training (obedience and early socialisastion with other dogs and people is paramount) And should start now. The link you posted doesn't go any where and says if the link is correct contact admin.

The other thing I will say is many people think a dog can only have one master this is not true (even children of a responsible age can help with training but every one has to sing from the same hymn page so the dog doesn't get confused :) Cheers

03-10-17, 13:55
I am sorry to hear this braindead was your staffy ill mines 10 nearly I obviously don't want her to die at 12 is this their average lifespan I hope not ? I agree they can be very challenging so you have to challenge back if you aren't a strong minded person then issues will occur. They do get bored very quickly so it's important that they are regulary exercised and played with too :)

I remember at the age of 3 years old she did challenge me over a chair (resource guarding and it's not to be tolerated ever!) She normally gets off when asked and still does now it was just one day she decided not to I did panic a bit when she air snapped she didn't touch my skin but it was a bad move on her part I hit her so hard with my voice and eyes she shot off the chair real fast and has never challenged me since so glad I did what I did I have dog that respects me and still loves me to this very day :) So to the OP training (obedience and early socialisastion with other dogs and people is paramount) And should start now. The link you posted doesn't go any where and says if the link is correct contact admin.

The other thing I will say is many people think a dog can only have one master this is not true (even children of a responsible age can help with training but every one has to sing from the same hymn page so the dog doesn't get confused :) Cheers
MY STAFFY GEM , had arthritis in her back legs , she became unable to stand so we took the lonely one-way walk to the vet, my son was devastated when he came home from school and took to his bed for 2 days . they can reach 15 plus but arthritis is their main enemy:wacko:

03-10-17, 14:12
MY STAFFY GEM , had arthritis in her back legs , she became unable to stand so we took the lonely one-way walk to the vet, my son was devastated when he came home from school and took to his bed for 2 days . they can reach 15 plus but arthritis is their main enemy:wacko: That's bad I can imagine how devastated he was I have actually kept my girl trim (she is not under weight but neither is she over weight too)
I see round my town too many staffs over weight and I mean over weight. People can be pretty careless regarding food treats oh she does get them from time to time but they aren't dished out like candy :) I saw one that was 17 years old a few months back so that's :shades: Would you get another staffy? I know I would Cheers

03-10-17, 15:59
I recued a 2 yr old dog in February. He was still a puppy. Totally different from my last dog that die last year. She was 5 when we got her. So mellow. Now this one had me si stressed out. Total anxiety. I would cry because i didnt know how to get him to obey. I was about to give him back. But my heart didnt want to give up on him. He needed a home and i needed something to fill the void in my heart. Have patience. Your puppy a baby and requires a lot of work. It will get better. Got better for me...but a lot of work.

03-10-17, 16:34
So true Bittersweet with rescue dogs you don't always know the history till their true colours come out so it can be very stressful where a puppy is a 'blank' canvas so in some ways it's easier to train a puppy than correct a rescue dog that has baggage with and for sure it will get easier and that's a fact :) Cheers

03-10-17, 18:44
That's bad I can imagine how devastated he was I have actually kept my girl trim (she is not under weight but neither is she over weight too)
I see round my town too many staffs over weight and I mean over weight. People can be pretty careless regarding food treats oh she does get them from time to time but they aren't dished out like candy :) I saw one that was 17 years old a few months back so that's :shades: Would you get another staffy? I know I would Cheers
once you have a Patterdale your spoilt for life my dog buddy is lying on my feet as we speak , under the desk top:wacko:

04-10-17, 02:16
once you have a Patterdale your spoilt for life my dog buddy is lying on my feet as we speak , under the desk top:wacko:

Warmer than a pair of slippers! :yesyes:

04-10-17, 08:41
Warmer than a pair of slippers! :yesyes: