View Full Version : Scared to start Pregabalin

02-10-17, 17:38
I've just been prescribed 2 x 25mg Pregabalin for GAD after a crisis - physical and psychological symptoms which have made life really tough, and have really frightened me. I've probably had GAD most of my life, and this has usually manifested itself in health anxiety, though I've had other anxieties too, and this current crisis, which is by the far the most intense I've ever experienced, has been caused by anxiety about world events

I've never taken meds before, and my health anxiety has now gone into overdrive about side effects, having obviously read up too much about this before even starting to take the Pregabalin

I was prescribed low dose Zopiclone last week as I wasn't sleeping. This has been better the last couple of nights. I was also prescribed low dose Diazepam (2mg) to take as needed, and took a couple yesterday

My GP seems really positive about Pregabalin, and I love the idea of lessening anxiety. I've just started CBT, but found it impossible to concentrate on anything like mindfulness exercises last week because of the constant anxiety and racing thoughts, catastrophising etc.
So on one hand I really want to try Pregabalin to see whether it helps to calm me and to help me to get the most out of the CBT

But on the other hand, I'm really worried about side effects - obviously the scary ones like blurred vision, possibility of seizures, allergic reactions etc, but also the weight gain. I've worked really hard to lose weight over the last few years, through exercise and healthy diet, and it would be really hard to deal with significant weight gain as well as dealing with anxiety

I know 2 x 25mg is a low dose, and I guess it might not do much anyway. I've done what I usually do (and which I know is a symptom of anxiety anyway!) and read too much about it, concentrating on the negatives.

Any positive experiences really welcome, and especially any advice about side effects/weight gain/effectiveness at low doses

02-10-17, 21:48
Hi Stick,

Welcome to NMP. Most folk have been here and done that with many of your symptoms, so there's much written in the past by people worrying about starting up on Preg so take a look back -

Bottom line - Preg seems to help most of the people who take it. Not all, but more than 50%, which is about as good as it gets for most such things, this side of Benzos which isn't a viable long term proposition due to tolerance etc.

Sounds like your doctor knows his/her stuff. The start-up side effects of Preg are much more benign than for many mental health meds; you may feel very good indeed for a short time after starting, which is often well received; you may also feel groggy. They should help you to relax; For your evening dose, take one an hour or so before bedtime; they aren't sleeping pills but should help to relax you, and that is in many ways cleverer than any sleeping pill, as that's what you want, not a knock-out pill.

It can work very quickly, and can work at low doses too. Major adverse effects are very rare with this med if this board is anything to go by; useful to know that it is also used as a painkiller and for treating epilepsy, and it would be totally useless in those applications if it made people go haywire.

This recent thread may be useful:

Re weight control, this can be an issue since you may feel very hungry at the start; you will need to police your cravings, eat tons of salad and fizzy water - both will fill you up, but with hardly any calories. I am on both Preg and Mirtazapine, both known for weight issues, and have recently been doing the Plan A diet - a high protein diet, that avoids bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar. But there's lots of nice stuff you can eat - this is basically it:


I have lost about 4kg in a month; Hanshan on this board is on similar meds and has managed to lose major weight too - so it's possible, but you'll have to be disciplined.

But as with all recovery from MH issues, take one day at a time, and focus on recovering your MH first before worrying about the day-after-tomorrow things like weight. If world events worry you - and we've all been there - then maybe try avoiding watching the News too often and get a good book to lose yourself in instead.

There's tons of great, experienced people on here too so keep in touch and let us know how you get on,

Best wishes,


03-10-17, 10:04
Hi Albert,

Thanks so much for your reply and encouragement. I was supposed to start taking the Pregabalin last night but was too worried about it. I know I need to - my GP has been so helpful, and would not be impressed if I didn't give it a try. I suppose I'm concerned about it giving me worse or different symptoms to deal with, and then having to go through the process of withdrawing. GP also hasn't mentioned increasing dose significantly, so I'm a bit confused about that as I've read about the therapeutic effect being a much larger dose than the one I've been prescribed

You're absolutely right re the news etc. I have deleted all news and social media apps from my phone etc and avoided tv, radio and newspapers for the last week.

I know you're also right about not worrying about the weight control at this stage - again, this is another of the ways my anxiety messes me around - going straight to something negative in the future and worrying the hell out of it. I do quite a bit of exercise at the moment, and hoping that if I can be disciplined I can keep things under control. I have actually lost about 4lb over the last couple of weeks through anxiety and not eating very much, so could probably do with re-gaining a small amount of weight. Have you had any issues with water retention and swollen ankles/feet?

03-10-17, 22:28
No problem. Everyone's different, and you always start on a low dose, and that can work for some, and quite quickly too. Frankly, for most people, the worst that can happen is that they won't help. In which case, a higher dose might be an idea, down the road. Good idea re avoiding the News...

It is very normal when in a nervous state to thinking about negative stuff re the future, but it's best to remember that sooner or later the future will be brighter and better; I suggest following your doctor's expert advice and experience and follow their guidance.

Re water retention, ankles etc. - no (I am a male FYI); and best not to focus on side-effects listed in the leaflet; they go on for ever even for totally innocuous things like aspirin, and in my experience for this med at least aren't a major deal for the majority.

Good luck, and keep in touch; it sounds like you're in good hands.


04-10-17, 07:59
H Stick1974 - I agree with everything Albert has said above. All in all, pregabalin is about the easiest psychoactive medication to start. Some people even get a temporary euphoria effect! But otherwise, the side effects are nowhere even close to those of SSRIs.

I managed to lose over 10% of my body weight while taking both pregabalin and mirtazapine. It did require calorie counting every day, but no more or less difficult than (I imagine) for ordinary folks.

Many people with anxiety experience a surge of anxiety immediately before, during, or shortly after taking a new medication. Understand that, and move through it. The anxiety quickly goes within a day or so.

05-10-17, 01:52
I was as scared as you. The doctor gave me some diazepam to take so i could even start on pregabalin. I know what you mean about your mind racing so much it's hard to even do the mindfulness exercises and cbt too.

I started on 50mg 3 times a day and felt like a million dollars for a couple of days.

that wore off and it just made me feel a bit slower and, if i'm honest dumber. Which is sort of what i needed, something to slow me mind down. It doesn't really have a mega calming effect for me like diazepam but it makes me feel generally more able to deal with things.

I slowly went up to 200mg 3 times a day in 50mg increments every few days or so. Although i paused at 300mg a day because the doctor wanted to make sure i didn't have any weird effects or so if it was actually benefiting me.

I've been on it about 10 months now and with the cbt work i've come on in leaps and bounds. From being barely able to walk to the end of the road and back to driving a 28 mile round trip to play golf.

I still say its more the therapy than the drug but the drug feels like it slowed my mind down enough so it could rest and recover so i could benefit from the therapy.

05-10-17, 12:30
Hi Stickman

Starting lyrica is easy, you may feel a lil dizzy and hungry. The problem is coming off the stuff after a year or so

Talihina Sky
06-10-17, 11:21
Hi stick,

I firstly want to say Amen to your doctor not making you try the ssri's first! I've had to fight tooth and nail to get prescribed pregabalin and tried many meds before getting this prescription.

I have found pregabalin particularly good with the physical, flighty side of anxiety and is making it easier for me to choose to do things that will help me; e.g. Swimming with my daughter, mindfulness, being positive and kind to myself.

I went from same dose as you to 50mg twice daily and today started 75mg twice daily.

So far I think this medication is the answer to gad- far superior to any medication before. I thought diazepam was once, but soon realised tolerance, rebound anxiety and memory problems are the reasons they don't like to prescribe.
I've not had dizziness or increased appetite at all.

I say go for it based on my experience I literally haven't had any side effects apart from good ones; headaches gone and back pain gone.

Good luck stick I hope you have a really positive response like I have!