View Full Version : Not coping very well

12-06-07, 21:16
Hi all

I had a blood test today and next week i am having an MRI, i am so nervous that dizzyness is rearing its ugly head again.

I know that the MRI is to find out what is going on in my ears causing some of the dizzyness, but i have been convinced for over a year that it is a tumor and they are going to scan and check my whole head/brain so i am terrified they will find out i was right all along.

Also last year they found i had sticky blood, after a few months it went without treatment, this is the first test since then and i am worried it may be back. Plus i think they may change my thyroid treatment because i am not sure it is working and new medication terrifies me.

Does anyone have any advice i am not coping at all well and it is just going to get worse as the week wears on:weep:

Sharon xx

13-06-07, 08:32
Hi Sharon, I am sorry that your going through this.

I have to see a neurologist in 4 weeks and I convinved I have a brain tumour as have dizziness and headaches, I probably know deep down that my headaches are caused by my anxiety as I tend to get a symptom and then run with it and make it the worst ever outcome.

I know that dizziness can be caused by lots of things, when I made the mistake and googled I think there were over 100 causes for dizziness, also my aunty has thyroid problems and when her medication needs adjusting she gets dizzy.

I hope this helps, don't know if I have, just didn't want your post to remain unanswered.

take care

13-06-07, 10:46
I had a brain MRI done last year.

I fell over and banged my head. After googling convinced myself I would get a blood clot and must've gone to the doctors loads of times worrying about it. I was also feeling dizzy so then convinced myself I had MS - well google said I did anyway!!! :mad:

Basically the brain MRI was to rule out any disorders of the inner ear (to explain the dizziness) and I'm sure this is what your MRI's are for.

Mine turned out to be the little crystals (located in the inner ear) - they were dislodged - hence the dizziness. It settled after 10/12 weeks.

My husband had a brain MRI last year too for dizziness - his was clear.

My friend also had one done for dizziness too - again all clear.

9 out of 10, dizziness is caused by the ears. I'm sure everything will be fine :)

However I know how stressful it is and I look back now and think how neurotic I must've seemed to the neurologist. When I went back for the results and had convinced myself it was bad news - it's terrible what our minds are capable of!

13-06-07, 20:20
Thank you both for your replys. I am almost sure it will be fine but there is always that inner voice saying otherwise.

It is the ear doc sending me for the MRI and he said not to worry but that is not possible, is it, with HA.

I have had another doozie of a day today with the dizziness which had almost gone before the appointment arrived so i guess it is just anxiety

Sharon XX