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03-10-17, 06:24
My cat just scratched me, quite a deep cut, but it stopped bleeding pretty fast. She was trying to get my beef for dinner I pushed her away and she took a swipe getting her claw stuck in my finger!
Im so annoyed as my anxiety has slowly been getting better and now I'm googling cat scratch disease etc - cellulitis.
I'm super paranoid now - I washed it and put cysterderm on it, but now all I can do is sit and wait. My tetanus isn't up to date but my cat's vaccines are and shes de-fleaed and I just de-wormed her yesterday- I hope. I put the worming tablet in her food outside so maybe another cat ate it!
The cut hurts but it was deep, now what do I do?
Anyone else been cut deeply by a cat - was the scatch ok??

---------- Post added at 05:24 ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 ----------

Cysterderm is a form of antiseptic... x

03-10-17, 08:37
My cat just scratched me, quite a deep cut, but it stopped bleeding pretty fast. She was trying to get my beef for dinner I pushed her away and she took a swipe getting her claw stuck in my finger!

Im so annoyed as my anxiety has slowly been getting better and now I'm googling cat scratch disease etc - cellulitis.

I'm super paranoid now - I washed it and put cysterderm on it, but now all I can do is sit and wait. My tetanus isn't up to date but my cat's vaccines are and shes de-fleaed and I just de-wormed her yesterday- I hope. I put the worming tablet in her food outside so maybe another cat ate it!

The cut hurts but it was deep, now what do I do?

Anyone else been cut deeply by a cat - was the scatch ok??

---------- Post added at 05:24 ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 ----------

Cysterderm is a form of antiseptic... x

You will be absolutely fine. It’s just a scratch and you cleaned it, meaning you have even less of a chance of infection or anything of the like.

I’ve been bitten and scratched by a good handful of animals in my life, clean it and move on.

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03-10-17, 08:44
Thank you! It was quite deep it bled - like dripped blood so I'm super paranoid.
I guess each new wound or anxiety filled circumstance to try overcome it - deal with it differently and stop the pattern ... I'm really trying but super hard.

03-10-17, 08:49
Thank you! It was quite deep it bled - like dripped blood so I'm super paranoid.
I guess each new wound or anxiety filled circumstance to try overcome it - deal with it differently and stop the pattern ... I'm really trying but super hard.

It’s easy for them to get quite deep, the worst I had was from a half feral that my in laws have and he can just turn mood on a dime and he bit and scratched the ever loving poop out of me.
Monitor the wound for signs of basic infection but I highly doubt you will have any trouble. If it started oozing puss or got really red and swollen/hot to the touch see a doctor. Pain is normal, so is a small amount of surface inflammation and itching with cat scratches - believe me if there’s something that needs attention it is very obvious.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-10-17, 08:54
Thank you so much for responding x

03-10-17, 11:27
I'm a cat owner too and got scratched up a few times. Last time was pretty bad when I was trying to take her to vets so can't blame her really :P

I also had the worries that go with health anxiety but it turned out fine and I'm sure you will too. There are loads of people getting scratched by cats every day

Best wishes

03-10-17, 12:05
Yeah it's nothing to worry about, cat scratches are very common.

03-10-17, 14:56
I've been scratched by my devil-kitty plenty of my times. As have my children and we're all okay. She once bolted when she was scared and ran straight over me and I had pretty deep scratches on my shoulders and then my thighs, that's the worst she's got me, but I'm fine. They healed well and I'm fine.

Try not to worry. I'm sure you're fine too. xxx

03-10-17, 15:17
My cat likes to think that my leg is a scratching post. I get scratched almost daily. Besides the scars on my leg, nothing has ever happened. It gives me character :blush:

03-10-17, 15:48
My cat scratches me a whole lot, all you do is put some rubbing alcohol on the cut and you don't need to worry. The first part you've already got down...the second we all need to work on...but yeah you will be fine.

03-10-17, 16:13
I've still got two clear parallel scratch-mark scars on my right arm below the elbow where my neighbour's cat twisted round and dug into me with her lower paws - and that was over a decade ago! I survived, and so will you, but as always, if concerned, check with a doctor.