View Full Version : I don't know whats going on...

03-10-17, 15:50
Help...I have suffered anxiety and panic attacks all my life but recently I started getting burning all over and head pressure with paresthesia, I am constantly on edge like I am in fight or flight mode, I can't come down off this panic, what do I do? TIA

03-10-17, 16:05
Hi Shazney- Do you have a doctor or therapist to talk to? A doctor can prescribe medication if necessary. The important thing is not to go through this alone if you can.

03-10-17, 17:00
I've just phoned up my doctors surgery and they said phone up at 8am because I can't go on like this, thanks for the reply.

03-10-17, 19:11
I'm sure the doctor will be able to help you. Tell them everything about how you feel and they are sure to give you a few suggestions on how to cope, with or without medication.

04-10-17, 09:30
A doctor is needed in this situation.