View Full Version : Dreaming and waking up through the night, please answer

03-10-17, 18:26
I will give you a example of what happened last night

1: Fell asleep at midnight, woke at 3 am. Dreamt, eyes burned, need more sleep.
2: Fell asleep again, woke at 5am, same feeling, need more sleep
3: Fell asleep, dreamt, slept till 7-8
4: From 8-11:30, woke up every 20-30 minutes, having what seemed to be a long dream sequence each time. Each time I woke up and before I looked at the clock, I was sure, based on how long the dream was, that it had to have been at least a hour or two, but alas, only 20-30 minutes.

I had this sort of thing happen about 5 months ago, and it kinda 'fixed' itself eventually after a few weeks. Now it is back.

I went to a neuro last time this happened, asking him about fatal insomnia and he looked at me like I had lobsters coming out of my ears. He said "for 1, it is vanishingly rare, like the rarest disease known to man. Also, it is familial, so you would have to have a parent would had it". My response then was..."yeah, but there is the Sporadic kind that doesn't require a relative, and about about De Novo? And what about the countless Dementia patients that have been inaccurately diagnosed with Dementia?"
He then looked at me like -_-...shaking his head. "Stop Googling things, Sporadic is even more rare, only 7 people in history, ever have had it. It is nothing like Dementia, Dementia effects mainly your speech, thought, and understanding, and sometimes, your ability to coordinate movement. When people come in with a prion disease, the symptoms are severe and fast, like twisting of limbs, inability to stand, insomnia, hallucinations, etc. The quickness and severity makes it very clear to not be standard dementia, typically a autopsy is required to verify what happened."

So that was what my neuro told me months ago when this happened. Then, like I said earlier, it went away and I slept normal again till a few nights ago.
Here are my questions to you guys...

1: Do you guys ever experience that kind of sleep issue, where you fall asleep, wake up every 20-30 minutes and had a complete dream in that time?
2: Would fatal insomnia symptoms ever go into 'remission' for months at a time and then come back? (like when I had this happen and then it went away for 5-6 months and now it is happening again)?
3: I thought that dreams should only happen after a few hours or sleep? However, I find that if say, I wake up my husband as he is falling asleep, he says he was dreaming, like a real dream.

04-10-17, 04:00
1. Yes, happens to me all the time.
2. I don’t know much about this disorder - however, having “fatal” in the title leads me to think remission is not an option. Your neuro has gone thru many, many years of med school. Trust him.
3. You can dream immediately upon falling asleep. Dreams fascinate me so I actually researched this for a psych paper once ��