View Full Version : Bleeding

03-10-17, 20:15
I've convinced myself I have cervical cancer. I'm 23, have a 4 month old baby so my periods are a little out of sync still. Thought I was having my period last Tuesday - bleed for no more than 2 days. And now yesterday I've come on my proper period. So last weeks bleed was out of my cycle. I obviously googled it and now I'm in bits. I can't think straight.

03-10-17, 20:29
Hello. Is this your first baby? I've got two kids and my periods with both were mental after having the bubs. I had breakthrough bleeding (spotting - but was more than that) between periods; half-periods (is that even a thing? Apparently for me it was!); bright red blood, dark blood, weird discharge. It was like Multi Coloured Swap Shop down there. For the first year after birth I'd say your hormones are raging like at no other time in your life, apart from menopause, which I am currently hurtling towards, and periods are all over the place. x

03-10-17, 20:55
My second, since having my periods have been all over the place tbh! Just can't shake the feeling it's something more serious!