View Full Version : Is this IBS or something else?

03-10-17, 20:50
Hello everyone, this might be long post because i will try my best to describe the symptoms i been having for almost 2 years, so thanks for your time.

I am 23 years old male. These are the symptoms i noticed occur:
- When i get up i have to go to the toilet (soft stool)
- Later when i eat i immediately have to go to the toilet (sometimes even when i am not finished eating), and i cant hold it, it feels urgent, if i hold it i feel irritated (my heart starts beating faster and i feel nervous), these days i even feel pain in the abdomen
- Even when i go to the toilet i need to go again after 30 minutes for example, and this repeats for at least 3-4 times
- Also i don't have appetite for the first meal, and eating the first meal is so hard for me, my appetite is only good at night.
- Before i get the need for toilet i often have sudden explosive (huge amounts) of gas, and i know that i will need to go to the toilet
- The stool smells very strong (like acid?) and i noticed that my breath smells the same like the stool like i have eaten a shit :weep:
- When i am burping i feel like its wet (sometimes small amounts of stomach acid)

Another series of symptoms that occur not that often as above:
- I sometimes have frequent clear (transparent) piss
- I sometimes feel like random vein pulsations (not muscles which is weird) on the hands and legs
- I sometimes feel random hot sensations near the anus, and on my foot
- Sometimes i get that anus burning sensation (and i notice really small 1mm blood dots on the toilet paper) which explains why there is burning sensation, maybe its hemorrhoids.

Any help is appreciated.

03-10-17, 21:41
Hey I'm here if you ever need to talk. I suffer most ibs symptoms and can relate to you

04-10-17, 11:48
I'm with you, I have the same symptoms. Well, except I'm hoping my breath doesn't smell like I've eaten shit:D. Sorry, had to laugh at that.
I have thick, horrid spit when I wake up that's yellow coloured, do you have that? I'm wondering if it's acid reflux from anxiety.
I have the frequent, looose stool and like you, only really feel better of an evening.

17-01-18, 09:51
I have exactly all the symptoms and I am 23 male...lol...Done blood, urine and stool all normal....Could be anxiety related but not sure as even I find hard to believe its related to anxiety and stress. U can check my threads too. Sorry can’t help much on this. Even the pulsating feeling everywhere even on anus. I gues its caused by prolonged anxiety.