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View Full Version : Purple marks on legs

13-06-07, 07:23
I have been getting these for about 3 weeks now. I have had the odd one in the past but these are coming up every day.

They are like purple marks under the skin, about freckle size, so not as small as a pin prick but small freckle (sorry hard to describe, lol) and jus ton my thighs. I have about 5 on my right leg and 2 on my left. They come up for a few days fade then I get more somewhere else.

I thought nothing of them at first, I had a full blood count done 6 weeks ago so wasn't concerned (as im sure bleeds under skin are a symptom of leaukemia) but ive also got raised glands and now this morning ive more of these marks on my thighs.

I had a bad cluster of them last week when I had a rather nasty bruise. I am getting a few bruises at the moment, yellow in colour on my legs and arms.

Does anyone else get them? what could be causing them?

13-06-07, 16:31
This sounds similar to a rash I had when I had a viral infection. Woke up with small purple spots on my chest and arms. I had no other symptoms. Went to emergency doc who said probably a viral rash or reaction to something (I had eaten shellfish). The next day they had gone from my body but were on my legs. Do they disappear under pressure from a glass? This usually means they are just a viral rash, I believe. Could they be from an allergic reaction to the fabric or soap? If you are worried I would just ask your GP to have a quick look.

13-06-07, 19:10

No they don't dissapear under a glass.

I feel well so not too worried now. I have to see my GP in a week anyway so I will get him to take a look if I am still getting them. I don't think its viral because ive had them before, they are more like tiny bruises/blood vesels.

14-06-07, 14:09
Hi Cherry, I get these all the time, I'll be damned if I know why but they seem to be harmless. I think maybe it's if you've got tiny veins near the surface on your thighs they can be prone to breaking so folk who bruise easily get wee marks where they break sometimes.

15-06-07, 13:23
Thanks Magpie,

I am very slim, only 6 & half stone but im only 5ft tall. I need to get some meat on me, lol!

danny smith
27-06-10, 21:05
i know these comments was made years ago but i have the same problem.. i get the odd purple spot on my arm but iv just found loads of them on my inner thigh and i dont know if i should go see my GP,
i dont have a clue where they have come from or what they are

04-05-11, 17:58
I have this too and it's nearly always on my inner thighs or sometimes on my outer thighs. Does anyone else get this? I'm really worried about it today because I have a few clusters of them. Does anyone know what it is?

04-05-11, 21:33
Hi, it's called purpura... it's due to thinning of the blood, and is mainly caused by ad's... Ad's that work on seretonin unfortunately thin our blood, though the "experts" don't actually know why. If you have a low platelet count you are very likely to get this problem. I have had low platelets all my life, but since being on the ad's the bruising has become really bad. Try to avoid foods which thin the blood, and maybe eat foods which improve platelet count? Good luck

07-05-11, 14:49

21-05-11, 10:42
Got a nasty crop on my thigh from where my leg was itchy yesterday evening and I scratched too hard. Thing is that this has happened to me many times before but because I'm in the midst of an anxious phase it's worrying me this time. I can't even blame anti-depressants as I'm not on any medication. I'm so mad at myself for worrying, I even thought as I was doing the scratching, "Oh, need to be careful or this'll lead to..."

09-07-13, 10:51
Ok, I went to the GP today and the first question they asked was "have you been wearing tight stockings? Have you worn tight leggings or workout pants?" my answer was yep! and it turns out that this is bruising from the applied pressure. hopefully this helps out others too.... I also read the lukemia thing and flipped out! But yes, it's quite likely it is due to the pressure over a few hours :hugs:

08-06-17, 14:19
Hello i have one purple spot on my leg size of a freckle im aged 17 im worried that it could be cancer or somthing bad does anyone know what it could be