View Full Version : I knew it!!! big lymph node under my armpit

03-10-17, 23:50
So, after 4-5 years of being worried about lymphoma I finally had a real symphtom. Something to be concerned about.
It all began when I started to notice lymph nodes around my neck and jaw.
I got them checked several times and everything went ok.

But like 1 month ago I started having an intense pain under my right armpit, that dissapeared after 2 weeks. In the meantime, I felt something very strange... a big ball under my armpit. That ball didn't ever dissapear.
I got it checked and the doctor sent me to perform an ultrasound of armpit.

Once the lady who performed my ultrasound finished. She told me that I have some enlarged lymph nodes under my armpit and I saw how she measured it. One of them measures 4 cm!!!
So she told me she's concerned about cat scratch disease, which probably can be true... But I don't think cat scratch disease can remain undetected after several blood tests that I had during the last years.

I'm super worried and I don't really know what to do. Of course that I'll have further analysis but I feel shocked because this is the first time that people don't treat me like an hypochondriac, something REAL is happening.

03-10-17, 23:53
Did they recommend a next step?

04-10-17, 00:45
No, I only went to perform the ultrasound, but the lady seemed concerned about the size of the lymph nodes. I'll receive the report tomorrow and next steps will be given on Thursday, I have an appointment with my doctor.
I know that I need further analysis because the radiologist said so. Since they can't provide a diagnosis until the doctor see the results, she said something like "I think it may be cat scratch disease, you will probably be treated with antibiotics".
But... that's like a phrase that I'd use if I'm a doctor and someone is concerned until they get a specific diagnose.

04-10-17, 01:34
Sorry you're going through this.

I was monitored for 2+ years for enlarged nodes, so I have been through this ringer myself. Your node is large but, Usually, there are a bunch of other features in the node to suggest whether it is benign or not. At your appt tomorrow, I would definitely ask them to look at the images with you, have the doc point out exactly what s/he is seeing (fatty hilum, irregular or smooth borders, shape), why it looks concerning or not concerning.

IDK. At 4 cm, I think it's reasonable to bring up biopsy and why the doc doesn't want to do it, if there is no rec to do that. THere is some risk to biopsying nodes in the armpit, so there might be good reasons not to do it and start with antibiotics or just watchful waiting.

Good luck! I know you probably feel scared right now, but you will get answers tomorrow.

04-10-17, 02:19
Well, I asked about Lymphoma and the radiologist said the lymph node looks bening and she showed me and named some features. But still if it’s not cat scratch disease, or lymphoma or something known I’ll become crazy... since I spent years worrying and at this point I don’t really know if I was being hypochondriac or having a behavior that everyone else could have once you know something is not good. Call it intuition. I always knew it but I was trying to convince myself that I’m healthy after every doctor’s appointment.

04-10-17, 06:50
I wouldn't think that the nodes in your neck would have anything to do with the one in your armpit since so much time past in between surely you would have noticed changes much much sooner if the neck nodes were cancer. 4 cm is a big size but unheard of ive seen threads about bigger ones than that which turned out not to be cancer. Id advise you follow to follow up to be safe but again it still may have a benign cause.

04-10-17, 13:25
I can't see how the normal nodes in your neck have anything to do with this. You noticed the armpit a month ago. Obviously something is up and they're investigating, but don't use it as validation for 5 years of worry! It's like you're saying "Told ya so!" and it's not warranted.

Positive thoughts

04-10-17, 13:35
I really can't imagine a benign cause for a lymph node of 4cm. It's just not normal. By the way, did someone experience or know what means that once my lymph node got enlarged, I felt a lot of pain and mostly when I made movements with my arm, or when carrying bags. Then after 2 weeks the pain almost dissapeared and it started to feel like uncomfortable. Then a few more days passed and I don't feel anything now.
I'm sure that infections usually hurt, but since the pain dissapeared but the lymph node didn't decrease in size I expect a malign result. :weep:

05-10-17, 06:27
I went through hell with my lymph nodes and am actually now in a psych ward after I finally lost it with my fear. Your lymph node looked bening and the radiologist would never lie that she suspected something like cat scratch disease rather than lymphoma. Were she worried she might have asked a doctor to come and see right away (where I live they do that if there is something concerning) or simply said that she cannot tell and you will have to ask your doctor. Lying to a patient is simply not something they would do.
I understand your fear and in that state it's hard to calm down and listen to reason but I guarantee you that one thing is certain, they don't lie. You could and should ask for a biopsy though for your own peace of mind.

05-10-17, 11:59
I think you have to sort of listen to the person who performed the ultrasound (I know, I'm probably going to sound like a massive hypocrite after all my recently lymph node drama!), just because they see things like this day in day out. They scan multiple people per day and are aware of the characteristics of things that look benign. The right armpit (axillary) lymph nodes drain the right side of the head/neck, right arm, chest and upper abdomen so it is possible this node is so large because it's REACTIVE. This means something in your body has set it off. For it to swell up so fast and get to that size, it's most likely infection of some sort. They can't lie to you and say it is or isn't something and the fact that the word "benign" is being thrown around means they don't think it's anything sinister. You can tell when there is genuine concern.. Did you get a chance to see the node for yourself when the ultrasound was performed? I've just had 2 done on an underarm node so might be able to put your mind at rest :)

14-11-18, 19:46
What was it in the end mdel?

14-11-18, 19:53
The OP hasn't logged in since September and this was from last year. I would have to imagine he's alive and well. If you look at the post history, he was seen by multiple doctors and specialists and all was well. IMO, a typical HA case focused on lymph nodes :shrug:

Positive thoughts