View Full Version : Docs said no to fibro

04-10-17, 09:58
So I was worried about AS had MRI and full blood count and was told it's not that just postural and anxiety then I was worried I had fibromyalgia and then I got told it's defo not that because I'm male and it's rare in men and my symptoms to do not match fibro again they've said postural and anxiety I'm having counselling and cbt so I am trying to deal with anxiety as deep down I know my stress and anxiety is making my back worse than what it is but I can't seem to accept I'm ok and just suffering from 'back pain' which is so normal I'm sorry for going on about this again guys

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04-10-17, 10:08
Hi Jonny, don't worry - it's what the board is here for. You'll get there. You're doing all the right things. I recommend yoga stretches for your back pain. Just basic stretches you can find on YouTube or elsewhere can work wonders. I get back pain and if I do my stretches it seems to work wonders. I'm not always good at sticking to them, and that reminds me I should get back to doing them daily.

04-10-17, 10:35
Yea I've started Pilates too as doc said and swimming regularly I just have to accept I'm 6ft 3 and work on a low desk job and with health anxiety every pain is x100 so I have to accept this purely is postural pain made worse with anxiety

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---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 ----------

Just incredible what anxiety An stress can do to your body

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04-10-17, 12:46
Did you ask your counsellor to teach you how to do progressive muscle relaxation as I suggested before? This really worked for me. I’ve talked about this here before. I had shoulder pain that went on for a long time. I was like you and could not accept that it was probably 5 percent real pain and 95 percent anxiety. I actually walked around with my arm in a sling (so ridiculous). My psych taught me how to do the progressive muscle relaxation and the pain disappeared soon after. You could look it up and try to teach yourself but if you are anything like me that won’t work. You are supposed to concentrate only on your breathing (no thinking) while progressively relaxing your muscles. I just lay there thinking “am I doing this right...oh I’m thinking...no thinking...am I thinking now...what about now...

lol, that’s actually true. Anyway my psych made me sit in a chair and guided me through it, including what to do when my thoughts started to wander away from my breathing. The rest as they say is history.

04-10-17, 12:54
Ok cheers I will ask my psych about that, it's so crazy to think what anxiety can do to your body and my anxiety is so over the top for something like back pain as it's nor stopping me doing anything it just feels tight and sore which is classic anxiety symptom I know but still

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04-10-17, 13:15
You don’t believe it’s anxiety. You tell yourself you know it is but there’s that little voice “how can pain like this that never goes away possibly be anxiety?” Your thoughts are never truly off your back pain. You can be out having a great time and all the while you are checking yourself...checking, checking, always checking...”is the pain there...yes it is”. That’s how it goes with HA. The reason the pain is always there is because you are always tense. The strategy I told you about works because you stop focusing on the pain. The pain may only stop briefly but the fact that it does stop allows you to realise that it isn’t always there.

Good luck. ��

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------


04-10-17, 13:21
I agree with Swajj... you're doing a little anxiety/reassurance dance here and IMO, it's just not healthy. I'm surprised your therapist hasn't told you to refrain from posting as all it's doing is feeding your dragon.

Positive thoughts

04-10-17, 14:42
I know but you guys help me put things in perspective and it does really help

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---------- Post added at 14:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:36 ----------

It's crazy what anxiety and posture can do to your back literally hurts so much but had tests and docs talk to me and they have all said anxiety and posture

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---------- Post added at 14:42 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

It's crazy what anxiety and posture can do to your back literally hurts so much but had tests and docs talk to me and they have all said anxiety and posture

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04-10-17, 15:12
I know but you guys help me put things in perspective and it does really help

The point of your therapy is to learn self-reassurance. Please share... What CBT exercise have you learned would be helpful in doing that and how would you approach it?

Positive thoughts

04-10-17, 15:19
I've stayed off google and I'm trying not to ask my family for reassurance and just learning to accept my symptoms are another way of telling me I'm anxious An stressed

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04-10-17, 15:33
I actually think you're making slow progress. You can have organic/physical problems and anxiety. Yes, they are related in as much as one affects the severity/intensity of the other, but anxiety isn't a catch-all cause for ALL physical symptoms either. They can occur independently. And they can both be treated separately too.

05-10-17, 15:53
Can you get a standing desk? LIke some kind of platform for your keyboard and screens to lift up while you stand and do work?

05-10-17, 17:02
No standing desk is not an option apparently :( I am looking to join the police force within the next year I got accepted in but apparently they forgot to mention you have to be off anti depressants for at least a year before getting accepted something they forgot to mention right up until I was ready to start

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05-10-17, 17:42
I am looking to join the police force within the next year I got accepted in but apparently they forgot to mention you have to be off anti depressants for at least a year before getting accepted something they forgot to mention right up until I was ready to start

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You won't be accepted if you're currently receiving treatment for a mental health illness because of the nature of the job unfortunately. It's a very stressful profession.

05-10-17, 17:43
No I get that but it was the fact that failed to mention about the tablets which is what I was annoyed at as when I applied in may I was ok

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05-10-17, 17:48
No I get that but it was the fact that failed to mention about the tablets which is what I was annoyed at as when I applied in may I was ok

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Once you've been "successfully" treated with ADs (and off them) they will usually overlook it. They will need GP letter re mental health status.

You should have been informed though.

06-10-17, 01:40
Aren't you a PCSO?