View Full Version : How do you feel days after severe panic?

04-10-17, 13:46
I had a huge panic attack on Sunday (its now Wednesday). I was vomiting, shaking, crying, short of breath etc. It was possibly one of my most severe and nasty panic attacks. I can't even remember what caused it or if anything in particular set it off.
I'm still feeling light-headed, out of sorts and sleepy. But it's been 3 days! Is it normal to feel a bit dodgy for this long? I'm in a state. :(

04-10-17, 16:10
It definitely sounds like you're having a really bad time at the moment. :(
Personally, I only feel drained and very on edge after a panic attack, quite anxious and sad in the days to follow. Sleepiness is quite normal as the adrenaline levels decrease, but perhaps you've also caught some kind of a virus which is contributing to your feeling even worse mentally?

05-10-17, 01:19
Everyone is different and experiences anxiety differently, but when you have a severe panic attack it's definitely possible to stay stuck in the stress response cycle for days/weeks.

So, you'll anticipate the panic, the panic attack happens, you go through the symptoms and then eventually come down and feel drained and the cycle begins again.

The key is to learn how to get yourself out of that cycle of stress response. CBT and mindfullness are helping me at the moment.

I hope you start feeling better soon :)

12-10-17, 12:59
Yeah it's normal, at least for me, after a panic attack (mine are Almost always pretty severe ) I just feel completely drained, just like you described, how long it lasts depends from person to person, I've had it last a few hours or a week, don't worry

12-10-17, 14:08
Hi sorry to hear about the panic attack, and how it is affecting you. Agree with Angeagain...
Hope you feel better soon xx

09-04-18, 03:49
After my attacks when I am coming down, I get sick to my stomach and feel cold and tired and feel as if I do have a cold mine lasts a few days, oh and I dont really want to eat and I urinate a lot. I am so sorry you have this as well

09-04-18, 16:55
I can feel crazy and out of my mind for weeks after a big panic attack. It's that vicious cycle of fearing that it will happen again. I usually have after shocks where I have heart palpitations every day for weeks afterwards.

10-04-18, 03:10
I had a big attack in February that completely set me back into a cycle of fear after only having occasional attacks for years where I would feel the effects for about a day before going back to normal. But they can absolutely impact you for days and weeks after, especially when you get in the fear cycle. Please hang in there.