View Full Version : travelling on a bus

04-10-17, 16:28
i want to travel by bus with no companion but i am afraid because what if i will be having panic attack in the bus especially when the bus stuck in traffic the feeling that you want to escape, what should i do? the travel time to my destination is about 2hrs.

04-10-17, 18:37
Hey :)

I sometimes get panicky on public transport too, I think I get worried that when I get anxious people are looking at me and they can tell!

Make sure to take a drink, something to eat, something to distract you like a book or magazine and headphones so you can listen to music or a podcast. I also find that it helps to get a seat near a window.

05-10-17, 11:18
thank you for your advise but this time i reach my friends when they will be going in the same place so that i have companion these time but eventually i will try your suggestions thanks GOD BLESS

05-10-17, 18:05
I want a piss soon has i get on:wacko:

07-10-17, 23:40
what about taking it slowly until your used to it :)