View Full Version : Falling asleep feeling really hot?

04-10-17, 18:19
I had a physical last month (routine) which was all normal, including thyroid. I had some insomnia the past few days, last night I felt like I could actually get back to sleep, but at the same time, when I would fall asleep, my body would burn up! I just felt so hot, but I didn't sweat. I tried opening the window, turning the AC up, and sleeping naked with no covers, still felt hot..but when I woke up I started getting cold. I checked my temp on the thermometer and I was normal...so, what gives? 29 years old, not pregnant, starting my period any day now.

Anyone else experience this heat only when falling asleep despite being in a cold environment?

09-10-17, 19:43
Could be a hormonal surge due to period about to start.