View Full Version : Generally feeling unwell ?

04-10-17, 19:35
I have had a stressful last couple of days but today’s been calmer, but today I have just generally been feeling unwell, I feel a little achy and lightheaded, like I have a cold but without the cold part. Can this be from stress? It’s worrying me that it could be the start of something.

04-10-17, 19:40
I have had a stressful last couple of days but today’s been calmer, but today I have just generally been feeling unwell, I feel a little achy and lightheaded, like I have a cold but without the cold part. Can this be from stress? It’s worrying me that it could be the start of something.

Yes, absolutely, stress can cause you to feel like you've been hit by a truck.

Last year, when my wife was in the hospital for two months, the stress was overwhelming at times. I had most every symptom under the sun... achy, tired, spacey head, twitches, etc.... Thing is, not having HA, I knew it was from the stress.

Then, after I finally got her home and things began to calm down, it took a month or two for my system to finally relax.

Positive thoughts

05-10-17, 16:01
I get this feeling from time to time. Usually, it's nothing more than stress and fatigue catching up to me, or maybe hormonal changes at certain times of the month. I also think anxiety can give you that lightheaded, not all there feeling--it sometimes feels so much like the beginning of a fever that I'll take my temperature and it will be completely normal.

I often do treat this feeling similar to an actual illness--eat healthy, cut back on the caffeine, drink plenty of water, go to bed a bit early, drink some herbal tea, maybe even some vitamin c supplements if I'm feeling really low. Even if I'm not really sick, these are just good self-care things that will give me a bit of a boost.