View Full Version : Back mouse? Lipoma?

04-10-17, 19:45
Long time lurker. First time poster. Because I feel broken :(

I always take comfort in finding others with similar problems, or in finding information online about what I'm worrying about.

But I can't find ANYTHING on this.

I have a lump in my low back the rolls under the skin when I touch it. Although I can't see it (it doesn't stick out). It's to the left, above my hip, in the back, where the behind meets the back.

I have 3 of them, but one is pretty big, and I'm worried. They hurt occasionally, especially around my period.

I've found references to "back mice" online.....also episacral lipomas. But it all seems so obscure. And NO ONE that I e asked has the same thing.

Doc is sending me for ultrasound. Now I'm in spiral.

04-10-17, 20:17
I had a lipoma on my lower back for years. You could actually see the lump on my back. Last year I started getting discomfort in the area and it had grown. The ultrasound confirmed it and my doc recommended getting it taken out. Turns out it was the size of an egg, was attached to the muscle wall thus causing the discomfort.

It's no biggie at all. I had an outpatient procedure and went to work afterwards ;)

Positive thoughts

04-10-17, 20:31
Thank you for this. Was yours to the side and where the back/butt meet?

So good to hear someone who knows what I'm talking about.

Did yours kind of dart out from under your hand if you touched it?

04-10-17, 20:41
Thank you for this. Was yours to the side and where the back/butt meet?

So good to hear someone who knows what I'm talking about.

Did yours kind of dart out from under your hand if you touched it?

Yep... lower back on the right a few inches up. Bad spot because anytime I was sitting in a chair, it would push on it. I didn't move too much as it was attached.

Seriously... it's no biggie. It healed up within a week and I haven't had any discomfort since :)

Positive thoughts

04-10-17, 20:58
I've one middle right of my back, about 2 inches by an inch. Had it as long as I can remember. If I push it it moves - like if you push a marble if on a table (but not as far obviously)

04-10-17, 23:18
This is such a relief to hear from others. Everyone I've asked in real life looks at me like I'm crazy.

05-10-17, 01:54
I had one on my ribcage, found it by accident and it scared the sh*t out of me.

I had 2 drs tell me it was a lipoma, couldn't let it go. My gp took it out and sent it to the lab... know what it turned out to be ?

A lipoma.


bin tenn
06-10-17, 03:00
I have one on each side of my lower back, but those are two of the many. I have a few tiny ones in my left arm, several tiny ones in my legs, and a few visible ones in my right forearm, among others. Eh, no biggie.

06-10-17, 07:58
i don't know much about lipoma so i wont touch on that subject. but my girllfriend has a good size mass that rolls under her skin on the left side of her lower back right above the hip as you described. she hasn't had it checked out so i can't offer much reassurance. but i will say anytime you find something like this it's best to get it checked out even if its highly unlikely to be anything serious because the longer you wait the more time anxiety will have to take over your mind. i found my girlfriends lump and just as you said it doesnt stick out its not visibly noticeable and hers doesnt cause pain although her lower back hurts sometimes but she has larger breasts so that may be to blame im not entirely sure im just speculating. do yourself a favor and get it examined and put this fear to rest as soon as possible.

06-10-17, 13:04
but i will say anytime you find something like this it's best to get it checked out even if its highly unlikely to be anything serious because the longer you wait the more time anxiety will have to take over your mind....do yourself a favor and get it examined and put this fear to rest as soon as possible.

Or... work on your anxiety so benign fatty lumps don't cause you anxiety and make you to run to the doctor over nothing.

Lipomas are very, very common. Like I said, I had one for years (18 to be exact). When it became uncomfortable, I had it checked at my appointment (I go every 6 months due to me real physical issues).

Positive thoughts

06-10-17, 23:13
I'm having an ultrasound Monday. Trying not to worry until them. This thing actually feels like a grape rolling around in there. But there is nothing visible just by looking.

Mine is located at the hip line, between my spine and edge of my hip. If that makes sense. Kind of right near where people usually have a dimple in their butt/back/hip area.

11-05-20, 03:04
Are you still around, Molehill? I have this exact same issue. It started after I gave birth to my second daughter. I had to see a chiropractor because my lower left side hurt so bad and I could barely walk. Finally, it got better, but a few months later I noticed a couple lumps. Now I have three, one is small, the second medium, and the second feels large. They all in the episacral area. My lower back hurts pretty often, more with exercise. It’s still much better than when it first happened. How did your ultrasound go? Did everything turn out okay?

12-05-20, 15:52
I have lipomas in my thighs. I could feel one and despite my GP telling me it was nothing I freaked out until she sent me for an ultrasound. The lady who did the scan was very nice and told me I had lots of them in both thighs, this one was just closer to the surface. She also said it's not related to body fat, some people are just more prone to get them.

19-05-20, 13:45
I just had an ultrasound of them last week. Despite going over them directly, and acknowledging that she felt them, the ultrasound couldn’t detect them. What does this mean?!?